Guia docente 2012_13
Facultad de Química
Grao en Química
  Ferramentas informáticas e de comunicación en química
Topic Sub-topic
The scietific literature: general aspects. Structure and classification of the literature.

General rules of a literature search.

Function, organization and use of a scientific library.
Information Sources Books.
Technical reports.
Conference Proceedings.
Government Publications.
Using Internet Basic Internet services.

Remote connection and file transfer utilities.

Search engines.

Electronic lists and subscription services.

Other services.

Structure, function and design of web pages.
Indexing and abstracting services Identification of a scientific paper.

The ISI Web of Knowledge (WOK).

The Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) and the Scifinder.

Other abstracting services.

Bibliographic Managers Classification of bibliographic references: general principles.

Use of popular software packages:

Refworks and Endnote as examples.
Preparation of a scientific, technical or academic document Parts of a scientific document.

References, tables and figures : general principles.

Use of computer templates.

General aspects of the scientific style and the use of English.

How to write: CVs, progress reports, grant requests and other academic documents.
Using Statistical Sofware 2 and 3D graphics.

Statistical Analysis.

Data fitting.
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