Guia docente 2011_12
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Contaminación Industrial: Avaliación, Prevención e Control
  Xestión e Tratamento de Residuos e Emisións Industriais
   Bibliografía. Fontes de información
Manahan, Fundamentals of environmental chemistry, 2000,
Tchobanoglous, Gestión integral de residuos sólidos, 1998,
LaGrega, Hazardous waste management, 2001,
Kiely, Ingeniería ambiental, 1999,
Davis and Cornwell, Introdution to environmental engineering, 2008,
Bishop, Pollution prevention: fundamentals and practice, 2000,
Woodard, F., Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook, 2001,
Celenza, G. J., Industrial waste treatament process engineeering. Vol. 1: facility evaluation and pretreatment, 1999,
Celenza, G. J., Industrial waste treatment process engineering, vol. 3: specialized treatment systems., 2002,
Celenza, G. J., Industrial waste treatment process engineering. Vol. 2: Biological processes, 1999,
Reddy and Cameselle, Electrochemical remediation technologies for polluted soils, sediments and groundwater, 2008,

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