Guia docente 2011_12
Facultade de CC. Económicas e Empresariais
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Teoría da organización
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1. FOUNDATIONS OF THE THEORY OF THE *ORGANIZACIÓNLectura 1.1 [1] The theory of the organisation. Trends and theoretical support. (*)1.1.1 Importance of the organisations.1.1.2 Of the meaning of organisation.1.1.3 Of the science of the organisation.1.1.4 The science of the organisation (*I): evolution.1.1.5 The science of the organisation (*II): approaches and theories more notable that form the current theoretical support of the organisation.1.1.6 Syntheses of dominant theories. Practical case: *CP1101Questions of class: *CC1101
(*)Reading 1.2 [2] To an integrated vision of the theory of the organisation. Of the modernist thought to the constructivist. (*)1.2.1 To an integral theory of the organisation?.1.2.2 critical Analyses of the theory of the organisation (*I). Debate on the proliferation of paradigms and his level.1.2.3 critical Analyses of the theory of the organisation (*II). Debate on the validity of the distinct theories.1.2.4 A vision *integradora.1.2.5 Influence of the thought in the theory of the organisation.1.2.6 The building of a new organisational reality and social. A vision from the networks.Practical case: *CP1201Questions of class: *CC1201
(*)2. THE CONTEXT OF THE *ORGANIZACIONESLectura 2.1 [3] The surroundings, the complexity and the dynamics of change. (*)2.1.1 Theories of the organisation related with the surroundings.2.1.2 Of the surroundings: analysis and structure.2.1.3 The complexity and the dynamics of change. 2.1.4 Influence of the complexity in the organisational design.2.1.5 The nature of the change and the models of management of the change.2.1.6 Influence of the complexity in the organisational design.2.1.7 The cultural change and the strategy in the organisations.2.1.8 Change and organisational dynamics.2.1.9 Change and organisational and social learning.2.1.10 Maturity for the change and learning Question of class: *CC2101
(*)Reading 2.2 [4] The nature of the task and of the technology in the organisations (*)2.2.1 The nature of the task and of the organisational technology2.2.2 central Concepts in technology of the organisations2.2.3 Types of technologies and his influence in the *organizacionesCaso practical: *CP21/2201Questions of class: *CC2201
(*)3. GOVERNMENT And INFLUENCE IN THE ORGANISATIONS Reading 3.1 [5] Takes of decisions in the organisation (*)3.1.1 Centralisation *vs decentralisation.3.1.2 Delegation and take of decisions.3.1.3 Methods of take of decisions.3.1.4 Communication and take of decisions in group. Questions of class: *CC3101
(*)Reading 3.2 [6] Government and control of the organisations. Power and political. (*)3.2.1 The organisation like political entity. 3.2.2 Mechanisms of government and control in the organisation. Questions of class: *CC3201
(*)4. ARCHITECTURE *ORGANIZATIVALectura 4.1 [7] organisational Architecture (*I): modernist Approach. (*)4.1.1 The *cambiante paradigm of the organisational design.4.1.2 fundamental Elements that define a structure: basic principles.4.1.3 Development of the principles of coordination, specialisation, *formalización, identity and power.Practical case: *CP4101Questions of class: *CC4101
(*)Reading 4.2 [8] organisational Architecture (*II): Architectures of change. (*)4.2.1 The *metamorfosis in the organisational relations.4.2.2 Some bases of the organisation *postmoderna.4.2.3 Some proposals of new organisational structures *influenciadas by the complexity. 4.2.4 Some modern organisational of global companies.Questions of class: *CC4201
(*)Reading 4.3 [9] organisational Architecture (*III): The organisation expanded and the networks. (*)4.3.1 Networks, nodes and relations.4.3.2 The organisation expanded in network4.3.3 Bases of the organisation in network under the constructivist approach.4.3.4 theoretical Approaches notable in the study of networks. 4.3.5 Organisations, networks and capacity of absorption.Questions of class: *CC4201
(*)5. DEVELOPMENT *ORGANIZACIONAL.Reading 5.1 [11] organisational Development (*II): Knowledge and learning (*)5.1.1 The knowledge like base of the development *organizacional. 5.1.2 Of the knowledge: approaches, process and management.5.1.3 The transformations of the knowledge. The *espiral of the knowledge.5.1.4 The intellectual capital.5.1.5 organisational Learning: importance, bases and development. 5.1.6 collective Talent and capacity of *absorciónCuestiones of class: *CC5101
(*)Reading 5.2 [12] organisational Development (*I): Alliances and cooperation. (*)5.2.1 Alliances and cooperation and organisational design: basic appearances. 5.2.2 Origin of the costs of transaction.5.2.3 The design of the cooperation and the organisation.5.2.4 Instruments *organizacionales resultant of the cooperation. Questions of class: *CC5201
(*)Reading 4.4 [10] organisational Architecture (*IV): Constructivism and networks. (*)4.4.1 Bases of the organisation expanded under the constructivist approach.4.4.2 Bases of the organisation in network under the constructivist approach.4.4.3 theoretical Approaches notable in the study of networks.4.4.4 Organisations and networks.Practical case: *CP4401Questions of class: *CC4401
(*)Reading 5.3 [13] organisational Development (*III): Organise to achieve dynamic capacities in a world in transformation.Questions of class: *CC5301 (*)5.3.1 The new challenges of the organisation and the direction.5.3.2 To way of vision on the future of the organisation.
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