Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y del Trabajo
Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos
  Tax Practice
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam First partial proof that consists of two parts: a practice written (in which the student will have to show the acquisition of the essential competitions of the subject) and a theorist written (in which they will formulate different questions on the program of studies of the subject).
For those students that subject to the system of continuous evaluation, this proof will represent 40% of his final qualification.
Second partial proof that consists of two parts: a practice written (in which the student will have to show the acquisition of the essential competitions of the subject) and a theorist written (in which they will formulate different questions on the program of studies of the subject).
For those students that subject to the system of continuous evaluation, this proof will represent 40% of his final qualification.
Both proofs will add 80% of his qualification.
For those students that do not subject to the continuous evaluation, his qualification will be composed by 70% of the qualification obtained in the theoretical examination writing and 30% of the qualification obtained in the practical examination writing.
Systematic observation The *profesorado, through the different activities that propose to the students that subject to continuous evaluation (practical cases, oral exhibition of a subject, presentation written of a work, task *colaborativa in the classroom, etc.), will value the
active participation and quality of the interventions of this so much
in the masterclasses as, especially, in the seminars.
The active participation and of quality of the students that subjects to continuous evaluation will represent 20% of his final qualification.
Besides, the students that voluntarily participate in activities of learning-service, in the frame of the continuous evaluation, will be evaluated through a *dictamen of the activity delivered before the realisation of the final proof with a qualification that will integrate inside 20% of the note reserved to assistance and participation.
Other comments on the Evaluation

The *temario that appears in the section of contents constitutes
a *versiÃ�*n *resumida of the lessons that beÃ*n object of examination.

Conveniently, to the beginning of the
course *acadÃ�*mico, him provideà to the students a *temario *mÃ*s detailed with
the *ep�*grafes that conform each *lecci�*n.


 1.-*SegÃ�*n Establishes in
the Regulation of *Evaluaci�*n, the *calificaci�*n and the quality of the teaching and of the
process of learning of the *estudiantado (approved by the *Claustro of
the University of Vigo on 18 April 2023), the/the student/to have toà manifest
his *intenci�*n of not to receive to the system of *evaluaci�*n continuous according to the
procedure and in the date established by the �*rganos competent of the

 2.- The/the student/to that receive
to the system of *evaluaci�*n continuous beà evaluated according to the following
criteria: 1*�) First partial proof, that makeà to half of *cuatrimestre
(40%), 2*�) Second partial proof, that makeà at the end of the *cuatrimestre
(40%), 3*�) regular Assistance, *participaci�*n active in class and activities
organised by the �*rea of Financial Right and *Tributario (20%). To the effects
to be able to make this �*ltima *evaluaci�*n controlà the assistance to class.

The two partial proofs written
are compulsory, stateÃ*n of a part *prÃ*ctica and another youÃ�rich, made
both in *perÃ�*odo *lectivo. The part *prÃ*ctica of each one of the two proofs
*supondrà 20%, whereas the part you�rich of each one of the two proofs
*supondrà 80% of the *calificaci�*n. Each one of these two partial proofs is
*liberatoria whenever the/the student/to scope a *calificaci�*n *m�*nima of 5
on 10
, so that #prpers having surpassed both proofs not beingà forced to
make the examination or final proof, like requirement to surpass the matter.

The students that voluntarily participate in activities of learning-service, in the frame of the *evaluaci�*n continuous, beà evaluated to *trav�*s of a *dictamen of the activity delivered before the *realizaci�*n of the final proof with a *calificaci�*n that integrateà inside 20% of the note reserved to assistance and *participaci�*n. The *aplicaci�*n of this *metodolog�to *està conditioned to the *aprobaci�*n of the Project *ApS in the respective course *acad�*mico.

3.- The/the students/ace of
*evaluaci�*n global: his *calificaci�*n beà integrated by 70% of
the *calificaci�*n obtained in the examination you�rich writing and 30% of the *calificaci�*n
obtained in the examination *prÃ*ctico writing, being both different to the that make
the/the students/ace of *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous, in which him evaluateÃ*n of
all the competitions. 

4.- The
final examination makeÃ
in the date, place and hour
specified in the official calendar approved to such effect by the Board of
Faculty for the course *acad�*mico 2023/2024.
Likewise, the/the students/ace
that ace� wish it can opt by the *exa*men you�rich
oral. Have toÃ*n communicate it to the coordinator/to of the matter the same *dÃ�to, before the

note of the final examination beà the sum of the notes obtained *seg�*n the criteria and
percentages previously established.

-Students that follow the system
*evaluaci�*n continuous: The/the student/to *tendrà that make, of compulsory form,
a corresponding final examination to the matter that have not surpassed in one or in
both proofs of *evaluaci�*n continuous made along the *cuatrimestre. The
final examination *tendrà two parts: a proof you�rich (that *podrà be written or
oral, to *elecci�*n of the students, and that representà 80% of the *calificaci�*n), and
a proof *prÃ*ctica (that *supondrà 20% of the *calificaciÃ�*n). To surpass the
matter is necessary that the students obtain, as *m�*nimo, a *calificaci�*n of
4 on 10 in said final examination.

Likewise, to this final examination
*podrà *concurrir the students that have surpassed the two proofs of *evaluaci�*n
continuous made during the *cuatrimestre in case that it wish to go up note.

-Students with *evaluaci�*n global:
his *calificaci�*n beà integrated by 70% of the *calificaci�*n obtained in
the examination you�rich (that *podrà be oral or writing to *elecci�*n of the students) and 30%
of the *calificaciÃ�*n obtained in the examination *prÃ*ctico writing, being both
different to the that make the/the students/ace of *evaluaci�*n continuous.



 1.- In the examination of June/July,
the/the student/to that *acogiÃ� to the system of *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous *sÃ�the makeÃ
a final proof, that representà 80% of his *calificaci�*n final, and that
stateà of two parts: a *prÃ*ctica written (in which resolveà one or
several cases *prÃ*cticos, and that *supondrà 20% of the *calificaciÃ�*n
corresponding to the final proof) and one you�rich -that *podrà written or oral to
*elecciÃ�*n of the students- (in which formulateÃ*n distinct questions on
the *temario of the matter, and that *supondrà 80% of the *calificaci�*n corresponding
to the final proof). Anyway, the/the student/to have toà reach a *calificaciÃ�*n
*m�*nima of 4 on 10 in the final proof so that they take him into account
the qualifications obtained by regular assistance, *participaci�*n active
in class and activities organised by the �*rea of Financial Right and
*Tributario (20%). Of not reaching this note *m�*nima, the *calificaci�*n that
reflectà in the record beà the obtained in the final examination. 

2.- The/ace students/ace that subjected
to the system of *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous conserveÃ*n, exclusively for
the second opportunity of examination, the note that had obtained by regular
assistance and *participaciÃ�*n active. 

3.- For the/ace students/ace of
*evaluaci�*n global, his *calificaci�*n final beà integrated by 70% of
the *calificaci�*n obtained in the examination you�rich -that *podrà be written or oral to
*elecci�*n of the students, after communicating it to the coordinator/to of the matter the same
*d�to, before the examination- and 30% of the *calificaci�*n obtained in the examination
*prÃ*ctico writing, being both different to the that make the/ace students/ace of
*evaluaci�*n continuous.

4.- The final proof, so much for
the/the students/ace of *evaluaci�*n continuous as of *evaluaci�*n global,
makeà in the date, place and hour specified in the official calendar
approved to such effect by the Board of Faculty for the course *acad�*mico
2023/2024. Likewise, the/the students/ace that aceÃ� wish it can opt of
voluntary form by the examination youÃ�rich oral. Have toÃ*n communicate it to the/the
coordinator to the coordinator or coordinator of the matter the same *d�to before the



In the examination of End of Career the
final note beà integrated by 70% of the *calificaci�*n obtained in the examination
youÃ�rich and 30% of the *calificaciÃ�*n obtained in the examination *prÃ*ctico, both

The examination of End of Career
makeà in the date, place and hour specified in the official calendar
approved to such effect by the Board of Faculty. 



The examination stateà of two parts (*prÃ*ctica and youÃ�rich) and beà exclusively

The dates and schedules of the different opportunities of examination are the
specified in the calendar of proofs of *evaluaci�*n approved by the Board
of Faculty for the course *acad�*mico 2023/2024.



Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000