Educational guide 2023_24
Facultade de Comunicación
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
  TV communication theory and practice
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Practices through ICT The sessions *magistrales base in the weekly work made of autonomous form by the students. The realisation of these tasks through digital platforms will be valued by the educational. 10 A5
Lecturing The sessions *magistrales base in the weekly work made of autonomous form by the students. The assistance and participation in the face-to-face classes will be evaluated in function of the realisation of the activities proposed by the educational. 10 A5
Mentored work Production of a brief audiovisual piece of thematic to propose by the educational (individual work). 10 B1
Learning-Service Development, recording and edition of the audiovisual contents required inside the frame of the Learning-service and presentation of *portfolio (work in group). 30 C5
Objective questions exam Examination of the matter tackled in the theoretical and practical sessions 40 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation
The student *podrà opt the two types of *cualificaci�*n: *evaluaci�*n continuous and *evaluaci�*n global

1- *Evaluaci�*n continuous:

The students have toà approve each one of the works and projects to surpass the subject. The works and projects proposed are compulsory. The students have toà surpass a final examination that *tendrà place in the agreed dates by the centre and that representà 40% of the note. Those students that are missing to *mÃ*s of two sessions of *prÃ*cticas and/or seminars have toÃ*n surpass, of additional way, an examination *prÃ*ctico that it guarantee the *adquisiciÃ�*n of the competitions of the matter on which works in these sessions and that reinforce in the works *tutelados and projects. Beà reason of *evaluaciÃ�*n negative the copy, the plagiarism, the *reproducciÃ�*n of creative works of other authors or not participating with his team in any of the *prÃ*cticas.

ApplyÃ*n the percentages and previous concepts (*PrÃ*cticas with support of the TIC, works *tutelados individual and in group and final examination). The final note beà the half note of all the sections, *segÃ�*n his relative percentages. ConserveÃ*n the qualifications of the parts approved for the following announcement. In the second opportunity applyÃ*n the same criteria. All the details referred to the *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous, *prÃ*cticas with support of the TIC, works *tutelados individual and in group and final examination with his *correpondentes calendars of delivery, the criteria of *correcciÃ�*n, aceÃ� like the qualifications, publishÃ*n in the platform *MOOVI. Beà responsibility of the student be finally and to the dessert of this *informaciÃ�*n, since no facilitateà by any another half.

2 - *Evaluaci�*n global:

Of compliance with the willing in the Regulation of *evaluaciÃ�*n, *cualificaciÃ�*n and educational quality and in the process of learning of the students, the student that do not opt by the modality of *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous *tendrà right the one global proof in the dates that determine the Faculty. Beà a Ã�*nica tests that allowà to the students describe between 0 and 10, the same that in the *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous. This possibility have toà be requested on purpose by the student, with *antelaciÃ�*n and following the *trÃ*mites that it determine the  Deanship of the Faculty, and *supondrà the *anulaciÃ�*n *automÃ*tica of all the qualifications obtained by the modality of *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous. In said procedure *podrà consult in the platform *MOOVI. No admitÃ*n applications passed the term established and, once recognised the right, no *podrà desist of the same.

The proofs makeÃ*n in the date and hour officially established by the Faculty. Like general norm, the *duraciÃ�*n of this official proof is of two hours. For the *evaluaciÃ�*n global, each student needà 3 additional hours (5 from initiate it of the proof) to make it. Stateà of the  following  *apartardos:

  1. Examination youÃ�rich *prÃ*ctico (30% of the note). Examination of questions of development and of Ã�*ndole *prÃ*ctica in which poseÃ*n questions *realacionadas with the contents treated in the *lecciÃ�*n *magistral and that beà the *disposiciÃ�*n of the students/ace in the platform *Moovi
  2. It delivers Works/Pieces (35% of the note). Similar to the proposal in the *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous. The student *habÃ�to delivered the *dÃ�to of the final proof of *evaluaciÃ�*n *todolas pieces of *emisÃ�*n and *todolos works that the students that *cursan the model of *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous have to go *guionizando, producing, making, editing and *posproducindo along the course for his back *utilizaciÃ�*n in the different informative that make along the course. 
  3. Proof *PrÃ*ctica (35% of the note). *RealizaciÃ�*n Of a proof of *carÃ*cter *prÃ*ctico for the *realizaciÃ�*n of one or several informative. Said proof *prÃ*ctica *podrà consist in the *resoluciÃ�*n of a supposition *prÃ*ctico. This proof makeà *despuÃ�*s of the examination youÃ�rich and *tendrà a *duraciÃ�*n *mÃ*xima of 3 hours. The final note beà the half note of the 3 parts, second his corresponding percentages. In the second opportunity (July) applyÃ*n the same criteria.
All the details of the structure of the examination, the *especificaciÃ�*s of works and *prÃ*cticas, the calendar of delivery, the criteria of *correcciÃ�*n, aceÃ� like the qualifications, publishÃ*n in the platform *MOOVI. Beà responsibility of the student be attentive to this *informaciÃ�*n, since no facilitateà by any another half. Any no foreseen appearance in this *guÃ�to resolveà in *funciÃ�*n of the quoted Regulation of *evaluaciÃ�*n, *cualificaciÃ�*n and quality of the *enseÃ�*anza and of the process of learning of the students:


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