Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Comunicación
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
  Preparation of advertising message
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Seminars In the seminars, a briefing about the creation of a new brand will be presented for resolution in the classroom. 20 A2
Presentation The student's exposure, attendance, participation and attitude will be taken into account with a weight of 10%. 10 A2
Objective questions exam A multiple choice test will be carried out at the end of the course. 40 A2
Essay A briefing will be presented for the realization of a complete creative proposal for an advertising campaign. The work will have a sequential nature: starting from the briefing provided, the entire process and steps necessary to make a creative proposal consistent with the stated objectives will be applied. 30 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation

1. To pass the subject with the continuous evaluation system described above, it will be necessary to deliver, present and present all the assignments and exercises, obtaining a minimum qualification of passing (5) in each of them, and following the topics, deadlines and conditions established by the teaching team. In addition, attendance at classes will be mandatory (only a maximum of 2 unjustified absences will be allowed in the entire semester). 

2. If students want to opt for the global evaluation, they must present their resignation from the continuous evaluation within the deadline and following the procedure established by the center.

3. Description of the global evaluation: 

On the official date established by the center for the final exam, students must:

- Take a theoretical exam, defined by the teaching team (60% of the grade)

- Solve a practical case, defined by the teaching team (20% of the grade)

- Deliver a job consisting of the development of an advertising campaign based on a briefing defined by the teaching team (20% of the grade)

Obtaining the minimum passing qualification (5) in each and every one of them.

4. The second opportunity evaluation process will be the same as that established for the global evaluation.

5. Information about the evaluation tests, their format, length, dates and delivery channels will be detailed in the classes and through the Moovi platform. And it is the responsibility of the students to be attentive to the information that is necessary to pass the subject.

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