Guia docente 2023_24
Facultad de Comunicación
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
  Advertising photography theory and practice
   Expected results from this subject
Expected results from this subject Training and Learning Results
Identify the fundamental parameters of the photographic technique. B1
Define the new models of photographic representation. C9
Use the techniques and processes in the organization of photographic production. C12
Develop measurements related to the amount of light and color quality during the process of building photographic images. C13
Define the proper use of technological tools, especially computer tools, in the digital treatment of photographic images. C13
Properly expose the results of academic work orally or by audiovisual means. C13
Assume expressive and thematic risks, applying solutions and personal points of view in the development of projects. D2
Demonstrate ability to adapt to technological changes. D2
Identify the necessary solutions in the development of the photographic process quickly. C12
Ability to photograph responsibly and ethically. D1
Basically, the teaching staff will focus on the good development of the photographic practice, so that the students at the end of the subject should see an increase in their solvency and skill related to taking photographs. B1
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000