Educational guide 2023_24
Facultade de Comunicación
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
  Language: Advertising language in Spanish
   Expected results from this subject
Expected results from this subject Training and Learning Results
Interpret the elements, the forms and the processes of the advertising language and applied to the advertising messages. A1
Recognize the peculiarities of advertising language and study the various elements, forms and specific uses of Spanish applied to advertising and its functionality within the Spanish-speaking community. B3
Dominate the fundamental knowledges of the communication that serve of bear stop his activity, in function of the requirements fixed how disciplinary knowledges and professional competitions. C5
Comprise the phenomenon of the language, and of the Spanish tongue in particular, how human capacity that enables the communication. Apply this knowledge to analyze the advertising communication since a linguistic perspective (grammatical, pragmatic and stylistic). A4
Recognize the peculiarities of the advertising language like this as the lexical peculiarities of the language employed in the media, with the objective to do an use of the suitable vocabulary to the subject, to the half and to the public. Recognize, likewise, the factors extralinguistic that condition the use of the language and the meaning that the linguistic expressions purchase in function of the context. A4
Identify the literate norm of the Spanish like this as the most frequent deviations of the norm, with the objective to do a conscious use and manager of the language C2
Analyze and create texts, mainly advertising, with the first objective to learn to criticize models and to handle the resources of the Spanish tongue stop the creation of samples of creative tongue, recognizing the lexical peculiarities of the advertising language. B3
Express ideas of an independent way, original and tolerant that help to do a responsible advertising. B3
Interpret and analyze the human environment in the that produces the advertising exchange, taking into account so much the identity as the values of the community, with the purpose to delete linguistic prejudices against the own tongue, appreciate the profits of the diversity of tongues and sensitized with relation it all they. A4
Develop the creativity that supposes result of the freedom in the dominance of the tongue. A1
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000