Educational guide 2018_19
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  Experimental sciences
Subject Guide
Subject Experimental sciences Code P02G120V01302
Study programme
Grao en Educación Primaria
Descriptors Total Cr. Choose Year Quadmester
6 Mandatory 2nd 1st
Teaching language
Department Special Didactics
Serralle Marzoa, Jose Francisco
Serralle Marzoa, Jose Francisco
General description Take in consideration the referents that in this moment exist acerca of the trends around the titulación that scores the EEES, how are the study of the specific competitions of training discipline and professional of the White Book
(ANECA) of the Title of Degree of Maxisterio in the area of experimental sciences.

It observes that the most valued competitions aluden to aspects vinculados directly with the
didactic development of the area, beside the indispensable training in experimental sciences, is the knowledge of the objective of the primary education "Know the fundamental aspects of the sciences of the nature, with special attention to the related and vinculados with Galicia"; as well as the contents curriculares of the area troncais of Sciences of the Nature.

The specific competitions stop the area of Experimental Sciences, pose in have of aims in the proposal of University Title of Degree according to RD 55/2005, of 21 of January of Teacher of Primary Education.

The scientific knowledges integrate in the curriculum to provide to the students the bases of a scientific and technological training that contribute to develop the necessary competitions to understand the reality, develop in the life and interact with the his natural means -the docencia-.

The knowledge competencial integrates a knowledge of conceptual base (know say), a relative knowledge to the destrezas (know do) and a knowledge with big social and cultural influence, that involve a group of values and attitudes (know be).

In this normative context, the universities go to follow being competent in the initial training of the profesorado and go to follow contributing substantially to the professional profile of the profesorado novel of Primary Education.

In this score propose the design and implantation of procedures that inciden in the process of learning (formative evaluation and formadora, in the that the students is *corresponsable) through the following instruments: Questionnaires or forms (Knowledge - Prior - Study - Inventory the KPSI), rúbricas or matriz of assessment and conceptual maps. All they are inserted in the combination go in the work cooperativo and the individual, so well the processes of learning take place socially, the learning is individual. In the case of the conceptual maps also use how proofs of execution or realization.

The initiative of propiciar the field of the designated "education STEM" (science - technology - engeneering - mathematics) stop the cualifiación for education of the sciences; in the that can refer the reports of the Research Council of the United States (2009), to National Science Foudation USES (2011), to STEM Education Coalition USA (2012) and, in the case of the European Union, the actions in execution of the "Sciencie in society" (2011) and the "European Schoolnet" (2012) of the Directorate General of Research & Innovatión of the European Commission, has some repercussions in the university training of the future profesorado.

What is refrendado by the útimas performances of the Department of Cuntural, Education and Ordenación University of the Xunta de Galicia and of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Depose you, how:

The evolution of the educative integration of the TIC in the current moment, with the development of governmental initiatives how the projects "ABALAR" and the "E-DIXGAL" with the dotación of electronic books in tabletas to the students of primary for use in the centre y in the his home.

The resolution of the 13 of June of 2017, by the that summons the participation in the program of educative innovation "Club of Science" for centres docentes publics of teaching no university.

The posto in course in the educative centres Galicians of the program "Creating Code", with the that searches afondar in the digital competitions STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical) of the students of Childish, Primary and ESO.

The program of educative innovation pole that enters the "Robotics in Primary" in the that students will work with kits of robótica, in the that objective último is favoured the initiation of the students, already since early ages, in the experience of basic programming, robótica and building. The material will be conformado by six robots of appropriate educative use to the ages of the students; six kits of building, that will allow the realization of one minimum of five different projects; as well as a manual of use and didactic guide.

The Resolution of the 12 of June of 2018, by the that regulates the bacharelato of excellence in Sciences and Technology (STEMbach), of experimental way for the academic course 2018/19.

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