Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
  Statistics: Research methodology and statistics in physical activity and sport
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Mentored work Evaluation of the team work.

Each activity of group will have a grade, that will move to the components of the group according to his/her contribution.
The final grade is the average (or weighted average) of all the activities.
20 B2
Problem and/or exercise solving Test with short questions and problems about concepts, models and exercises exposed and discussed in theoretical sessions. 40 B13
Laboratory practice Two test (20%- 20%) about resolution/ interpretation of practical problems of statistical data analysis with software. 40 B2
Other comments on the Evaluation

First call:

The students can choose between a system of continuous assessment or a global assessment.
Continuous assessment is recommended.

1- Continuous assessment has the following activities: 

One test about concepts and problems studied in theoretical classes, two test with the computer and a group work.

In the 3 test a minimum grade of 4 (over 10) will be necessary to calculate the final average.

If a student does not work systematically in group activities, he or she may be expelled from the group, according to a protocol established at the beginning of the course.

2- The global ssessment has the following activities:
One test of theoretical concepts and problems (50%) and one test with the computer (50%).
In the 2 test a minimum grade of 5 (over 10) will be necessary to calculate the final average.

Second call:

1- Continuous assessment:

In the second call, the same exam structure will be repeated as during the course, so that each student may retrieve the part that corresponds to him/her. 
The grade of the group work keeps.

2- Global assessment:

In the second call, there are one test of theoretical concepts and problems (50%) and one test with the computer (50%).
In the 2 test a minimum grade of 5 (over 10) will be necessary to calculate the final average.

From one course to another, passed partial exams or parts of the subject will not be kept.

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