Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
Grado en Trabajo Social
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Students have shown to have and understand knowledge in an area of study based on general secondary education, and are at a level in which they can have recourse to advanced textbooks and also to have updated knowledge on the progress made in their field of study.
  A2 Students know how to apply knowledge in their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences that are usually proven through preparation and defence of arguments and problem-solving in their area of study.
  A3 Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their study area) to make judgements that include a reflection on the relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
  A4 Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised public.
  A5 Students have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Capacity to work and value of conjoint way with people, families, groups, organisations and communities his needs, limitations, difficulties, unrests and circumstances
  B2 Analyse social situations subject to intervention, plan, develop, implement, review and evaluate social work practice with individuals, families, groups, organisations, and communities and with other professionals.
  B3 Work with the people so that they are self-sufficient and with capacity to manifest his needs, wishes, points of view and circumstances
  B4 Act preventively and in the resolution of situations of risk to citizens, for oneself and for colleagues by profession
  B5 Manage and be responsible, with supervision and support, for the practice itself within the organization
  B6 Demonstrate professional competence in the exercise of social work
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 To build professional relationships with the aim of identifying the most appropriate intervention.
  C2 To work with persons, families, groups, organizations and communities, to help them make informed decisions about their needs, circumstances, risks, preferential options and resources, taking into consideration issues of cultural diversity (and therefore, the specificities of ethnic, cultural, linguistic diversity), the need to promote equality between men and women, the need to move to an environmentally sustainable society, and to defend the values of peace.
  C3 To assess the needs and available options to implement an intervention strategy.
  C4 To respond to situations of crisis through assessment of the urgency of situations, planning and development of actions to deal with them and through reviewing of results.
  C5 To interact with persons, families, groups, organizations and communities in order to bring about changes, promote development and improve their conditions of life through the use of the methods and models of Social Work, monitoring regularly the changes that are taking place with the aim of preparing the completion of the intervention.
  C6 To prepare, produce, implement and assess the plans of intervention with the client system and the professional colleagues, to negotiate the supply of services that must be used and review the efficiency of the plans of intervention with the people involved in order to adapt them to changing needs and circumstances. All this, taking into consideration the ethical obligations of the profession concerning trust, proximity, friendliness, equal relations, respect for cultural diversity, etc.
  C7 To contribute to the establishment of networks to deal with the needs and work towards the achievement of the programmed results, examining them with the people involved and the support networks they might have or develop; particularly, in the case of women (abused women, regular caregivers of people with disabilities, people with mental and other disabilities…), taking into consideration the specific characteristics of Galicia as a country with a geographically dispersed population, a marked contrast between rural and urban spaces, numerous abandoned areas and an ageing population (which requires larger networks).
  C8 Promote growth, development and independence of persons by identifying opportunities to establish and create groups, using programming and group dynamics for individual growth and strengthening of interpersonal relationship skills; in particular, with multicultural diversity groups (immigration, return emigration, ethnic minorities...) and with women, taking into account their historic marginalisation in relation to sociocultural participation and in decision-making bodies (empowerment).
  C9 To work on types of behavior that imply a risk for the client system through the identification and assessment of the situations and circumstances that determine such behavior and the implementation of strategies to change them.
  C10 To analyze and systematize the information provided by everyday work as a basis to change and improve the professional strategies that must respond to emerging social situations.
  C11 To use mediation as a strategy of intervention aimed at alternative resolution of conflicts.
  C12 To design, implement and assess projects of social intervention.
  C13 To defend situations, families, groups, organizations and communities and act on their behalf if the situation warrants.
  C14 Prepare and participate in decision-making meetings to better defend the interests of individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities.
  C15 To identify and intervene in the resolution of situations of risk, after the identification and assessment of the nature of such risks.
  C16 To identify, minimize and deal with the risk one and one’s colleagues are running through the planning, reviewing and monitoring of actions conducive to reducing stressful and risky factors.
  C17 To manage one’s work responsibly, assigning priorities, fulfilling our professional duties and assessing the efficiency of our work program.
  C18 To contribute to the management of resources and services by cooperating with the procedures involved in obtaining them, supervising their efficiency and guaranteeing their quality.
  C19 To manage and present social records and reports, making them comprehensive, faithful, accessible and updated as a guarantee for decision making and professional assessments, being particularly cautious when it comes to preserving user’s confidentiality rights, professional confidentiality and data protection rights.
  C20 To work efficiently within interdisciplinary and ‘multiorganizational’ systems, networks and teams with the aim of cooperating in the establishment of goals, objectives and implementation times, contributing also to dealing constructively with possible existence of disagreements.
  C21 Participate in the management and operation of social welfare entities
  C22 To investigate, analyze, assess and use the knowledge available in the present time about the best practices of Social Work to review and update one’s own knowledge frameworks.
  C23 To work within the accepted standards for the practice of Social Work and to secure one’s own professional development through the use of professional knowledge and techniques as a means to justify decisions, reflecting critically about them and resorting to supervision as an instrument to improve and assess one’s own professional practice.
  C24 Manage conflicts, dilemmas and complex ethical problems by identifying the same and designing strategies to overcome them and reflect on the results
  C25 To contribute to promote the best practices of Social Work through participation in the development and analysis of the policies being implemented.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Capacity for analysis and synthesis
  D2 Organization and planning skills.
  D3 Capacity for reflection
  D4 Oral and written communication in one’s native language(s).
  D5 Knowledge of foreign language
  D6 Knowledge of the specific culture of the autonomous community.
  D7 Learning and mastering of new technologies
  D8 Information-management skills.
  D9 Problem-resolution skills.
  D10 Decision-making
  D11 Work in and with diverse teams
  D12 Interdisciplinary teamwork.
  D13 Work in an international context.
  D14 Interpersonal relations skills.
  D15 Recognition and respect towards diversity and multiculturalism
  D16 Critical-thinking skills.
  D17 Ethical commitment
  D18 Independent-learning skills.
  D19 Adaptation to new situations
  D20 Creativity.
  D21 Leadership skills.
  D22 Entrepreneurship skills.
  D23 Striving for quality.
  D24 Sensitivity toward environmental issues, equality between men and women, culture of peace, etc.
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