Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
Grado en Educación Social
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 That the students have showed to possess and comprise knowledges in an area of study that splits of the base of the general secondary education, and is used to find to a level that, although it supports in books of text advanced, includes also some appearances that involve pertinent knowledges of the avant-garde of his field of study.
  A2 That the students know to apply his knowledges to his work or vocation of a professional form and possess the competitions that are used to show by means of the preparation and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems inside his area of study.
  A3 That the students have the capacity to gather and interpret notable data (usually inside his area of study) to issue trials that include a reflection on notable subjects of social, scientific or ethical issues.
  A4 That the students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a so much specialised public as no skilled.
  A5 That the students have developed those skills of learning necessary to undertake back studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Transmit, promote and develop the culture
  B2 Generate social networks, contexts, processes and educational and social resources
  B3 Take part like social mediator, cultural and educational
  B4 Know, analyse and investigate the social and educational contexts
  B5 Design, implement and evaluate socioeducational programs and projects
  B6 Manage, direct, coordinate and organise socioeducational institutions and resources
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 To critically integrate the theoretical, philosophical, historical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical, cultural, political and legal foundations underpinning the processes of socio-educational intervention.
  C2 To acquire skills for diagnosis and mediation in the prevention and resolution of conflicts in contexts of inequality and crises in socio-educational communities.
  C3 To uphold and act according to values of equality and democratic citizenship, and to prepare for prevention and mediation in cases of violence in its different manifestations (symbolic, sexual, ethnic, or related to issues of gender, work, education…)
  C4 To analyze and diagnose the complex reality underpinning the development of socio-educational processes.
  C5 To know the fundamentals of the design and use of means, resources and strategies for socio-educational intervention and to introduce them in the different areas of socio-educational action.
  C6 To understand the development of social education and the shaping of its field and professional identities at regional/autonomic, state, European and international levels.
  C7 To master the appropriate methods and strategies of quantitative and qualitative research, and to be able to apply them to the relevant socio-educational contexts.
  C8 To strengthen structures and processes of community action and participation, implementing programs and techniques of intervention (group dynamics, motivation, negotiation and promotion of assertiveness…)
  C9 To develop programs and projects in the family and school contexts.
  C10 To develop programs and projects in the sphere of special education (minors, special education needs, health centers, addictive behavior, penal institutions, vulnerable persons and groups at risk of exclusion…)
  C11 To organize and manage cultural, environmental, leisure and spare time projects and services.
  C12 To design, implement and assess programs and strategies of socio-educational intervention in the fields of community development and development cooperation.
  C13 To design, implement and assess programs and strategies of intervention in the field of culture.
  C14 To design, implement and assess programs of continuous education and education for adult and mature learners.
  C15 To design, implement and assess programs for social and labor-market reintegration.
  C16 To write and interpret technical, research and assessment reports on socio-educational actions, processes and results.
  C17 To master the methodologies to promote social and cultural activities.
  C18 To acquire the ability to promote interpersonal relationships, develop skills for interpersonal communication, solidarity and empathy.
  C19 To manage, coordinate and supervise organizations, groups and equipment, according to different needs and contexts.
  C20 To act as consultant on the design and implementation of socio-educational plans, programs, projects and activities.
  C21 To act as consultant and/or support persons and/or groups in socio-educational development processes.
  C22 To be committed to quality performance and to act according to the deontological principles of social workers.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Analysis and synthesis skills.
  D2 Organization and planning skills.
  D3 Oral and written communication in one’s mother tongue(s), being open to different linguistic codes, particularly the co-official languages of Galicia’s Autonomous Community.
  D4 Use of ICT in the relevant area of study and professional environment.
  D5 Information-management skills.
  D6 Problem-solving and decision-making skills.
  D7 Mastering of consultancy, promotion and guidance techniques and methodologies in education.
  D8 Critical and self-critical skills.
  D9 Ability to contact and communicate with experts from other areas in different contexts.
  D10 Recognition of and respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
  D11 Interpersonal skills.
  D12 Ethical commitment.
  D13 Independent-learning skills.
  D14 Ability to adapt to new situations.
  D15 Creativity.
  D16 Leadership.
  D17 Entrepreneurship skills.
  D18 Openness to lifelong learning.
  D19 Commitment to professional identity, development and ethics.
  D20 Striving for quality.
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