Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
Grado en Educación Primaria
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Students have shown to have and understand knowledge in an area of study based on general secondary education, and are at a level in which they can have recourse to advanced textbooks and also to have updated knowledge on the progress made in their field of study.
  A2 Students know how to apply knowledge in their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competences that are usually proven through preparation and defence of arguments and problem-solving in their area of study.
  A3 Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their study area) to make judgements that include a reflection on the relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
  A4 Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised public.
  A5 Students have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Know the curricular areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relation between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didactic knowledge that encompasses the teaching and learning procedures.
  B2 Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals from the centre.
  B3 Effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Encourage reading and critical appreciation of texts from the various scientific and cultural domains contained in the syllabus.
  B4 Design and regulate learning spaces in diversity contexts, to address gender equality, equity and respect for human rights that constitute the values of citizenship training.
  B5 Promote coexistence in and out of the classroom, solve discipline problems and contribute to peaceful resolution of conflicts. Encourage and appreciate effort, perseverance and personal discipline in students.
  B6 Know how primary education schools are organised and the diversity of actions in their operation. Perform functions of mentoring and guidance to students and their families, addressing the singular learning needs of students. Assume that the performance of teaching needs to be refined and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life.
  B7 Collaborate with the different sectors of the educational community and of the social environment. Take on the educator dimension of the teaching role and promote democratic education for active citizenship.
  B8 Maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with regard to knowledge, values and public and private social institutions
  B9 Appreciate individual and group responsibility for achieving a sustainable future
  B10 Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote them among students.
  B11 Know and apply the information and communication technologies in classrooms. Selectively discern audio-visual information that contributes to learning, civic training and cultural wealth.
  B12 Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today´s society and the key competencies that affect the primary education schools and their professionals. Know quality improvement models that can be applied to educational centres.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 To understand the learning processes in the 6-12 age range in the family, social and school contexts.
  C2 To know the characteristics of these students, as well as the characteristics of their motivational and social contexts.
  C3 To be familiar with and master the knowledge required to understand the personality development of these students and identify malfunctions.
  C4 To identify learning difficulties, report them and cooperate in their treatment.
  C5 To know the current approaches and developments that are based on the acquisition of competencies.
  C6 To identify and plan the resolution of educational issues affecting students with different abilities and different learning paces.
  C7 To analyze and understand the educational processes that are specific of the 6-12 age range inside and outside the classroom.
  C8 To know the fundamentals of Primary Education.
  C9 To analyze teaching practices and the institutional conditions framing them.
  C10 To know the historical development of the education system in this country and the political and legal factors impinging on education.
  C11 To know the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom.
  C12 To deal with and solve discipline problems.
  C13 To promote cooperative work and individual work and effort.
  C14 To promote actions of moral values education geared towards the shaping of an active, democratic citizenry.
  C15 To know and deal with school situations in multicultural contexts.
  C16 To design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
  C17 To be familiar with and apply innovative experiences in Primary Education.
  C18 To participate in the planning of the educational project and in the ordinary activities of the school, according to criteria of quality management.
  C19 To know and to be able to apply the basic techniques of research in education and to be able to design innovation projects, identifying assessment indicators.
  C20 To have social skills to understand the families and communicate with them effectively.
  C21 To know the functions and play the role of tutor and advisor with families in the 6-12 age range.
  C22 To establish links between the education system and its social milieu and cooperate with the families and the community.
  C23 To critically analyze and incorporate the most relevant developments of present-day society that have a bearing on family and school education: the impact of audiovisual languages and screens on society and education; changes in gender and intergenerational relationships; multiculturalism and interculturalism; social inclusion and discrimination and sustainable development.
  C24 To know the historical development of the family, the different types of families, lifestyles and education in the family context.
  C25 To know the basic principles and the fundamental laws of experimental sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology).
  C26 To know the school curricula of these sciences.
  C27 To identify and solve problems of a scientific nature in everyday life.
  C28 To understand science as a cultural phenomenon.
  C29 To understand the mutual influence between science, society and technological developments, as well as the appropriate behavior on the part of citizens to attain a sustainable future.
  C30 To develop and evaluate curricular contents through use of appropriate teaching resources and to promote the acquisition of basic competencies by students.
  C31 To understand the basic principles of the social sciences.
  C32 To know the school curricula of the social sciences.
  C33 To integrate the study of history and geography from an educational and cultural perspective.
  C34 To promote the democratic education of the citizenry and the practice of critical thinking about society.
  C35 To appreciate the importance of public and private institutions for the peaceful coexistence between peoples.
  C36 To be familiar with religious phenomena throughout history and their cultural significance.
  C37 To develop and evaluate curricular contents through use of appropriate teaching resources to promote the acquisition of the relevant competencies by students.
  C38 Acquire basic maths skills (numeric, calculus, geometry, spatial representations, estimation and measurement, organisation and interpretation of information, etc.).
  C39 Know the mathematics syllabus
  C40 Analyse, reason and communicate mathematical proposals. Put forward and solve problems related to everyday life.
  C41 Assess the relationship between mathematics and science as one of the pillars of scientific thought.
  C42 Develop and evaluate curriculum contents using appropriate teaching resources and promote the corresponding competencies in students.
  C43 To understand the basic principles of the sciences of language and communication.
  C44 To acquire literary training and knowledge of children’s literature.
  C45 To know the languages and literatures school curricula.
  C46 To speak, read and write correctly and proficiently the official languages of the relevant Autonomous Community.
  C47 To know the learning/teaching process of written language.
  C48 To Promote reading and writing habits.
  C49 To know the difficulties to learn the official languages experienced by students who speak other languages.
  C50 To deal with situations of language learning in multilingual contexts.
  C51 To be able to communicate, both orally and in writing, in a foreign language.
  C52 To develop and evaluate curricular contents through use of appropriate teaching resources to promote the acquisition of the relevant competencies by students.
  C53 To understand the principles contributing to people’s cultural, personal and social training from the perspective of the arts.
  C54 To understand the school curriculum of artistic education, in its plastic, audiovisual and musical aspects.
  C55 To acquire resources to promote participation throughout people’s lives in music and plastic activities inside and outside the school.
  C56 To develop and evaluate curricular contents through use of appropriate teaching resources to promote the acquisition of the relevant competencies by students.
  C57 To understand the principles contributing to people’s cultural, personal and social training from the perspective of physical education.
  C58 To know the school curriculum of physical education.
  C59 To acquire resources to promote participation throughout people’s lives in sport activities inside and outside the school.
  C60 To develop and evaluate curricular contents through use of appropriate teaching resources to promote the acquisition of the relevant competencies by students.
  C61 To acquire practical knowledge about the classroom and its management.
  C62 To know and apply the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom and master the social skills and abilities required to create an atmosphere in the classroom conducive to facilitating learning and respectful coexistence.
  C63 To control and monitor the education process, in particular the teaching-learning process, through the mastery of the required techniques and strategies.
  C64 To establish links between theory and practice and the classroom and school contexts.
  C65 To participate in teaching activities and learn from them, reflecting on practices and acting accordingly.
  C66 To participate in the different proposals for improvement in the different areas of activity existing in a school.
  C67 To control the processes of interaction and communication in the groups of students aged between 6-12.
  C68 To know the different forms of cooperation with the different actors of the school community and its social milieu.
  C69 These competences, along with the specific competences of the rest of the subjects, will be displayed in the Degree’s Final Project, which encapsulates the knowledge and skills acquired in all the subjects that have been described.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Capacity for analysis and synthesis
  D2 Capacity for organisation and planning
  D3 Oral and written communication in the native language.
  D4 Knowledge of foreign language
  D5 Knowledge of computing related to the field of study
  D6 Capacity for information management
  D7 Troubleshooting
  D8 Decision-making
  D9 Team work
  D10 Work in an interdisciplinary team
  D11 Work in an international context
  D12 Skills in interpersonal relationships
  D13 Recognition of diversity and multiculturalism
  D14 Critical reasoning
  D15 Ethical commitment
  D16 Autonomous learning
  D17 Adaptation to new situations
  D18 Creativity
  D19 Leadership
  D20 Knowledge of other cultures and customs
  D21 Initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit
  D22 Motivation for quality
  D23 Awareness about environmental issues.
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