Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
Grado en Educación Primaria
  Educational and organisational aspects of special education
   Contingency plan
In front of the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the sanitary alert caused by the **COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will activate in the moment in that the administrations and the own institution determine it attending to criteria of security, health and responsibility, and guaranteeing the teaching in a no face-to-face stage or partially face-to-face. These already scheduled measures guarantee, in the moment that was prescriptive, the development of the teaching of a more agile and effective way when being known in advance (or with a wide *antelación) by the students and the *profesorado through the tool normalised and institutionalised of the educational guides.


educational Methodologies that keep :
The educational methodologies will be the same in the three stages, since they were designed to facilitate a fluent transfer from a stage 100% face-to-face to another 100% in remote. In any one case, the only difference reaches or space in which it will develop the activity. Inside the possible stage of mixed education or *semipresencial, the methodologies would carry out of way *semipresencial and virtual. On the other hand, in the stage of education to distance, the planned methodologies would adapt the one modality of virtual execution.

Educational methodologies that modify :
it does not modify the own dynamics of any educational methodology, except, as it says in the previous section, his modality of execution, face-to-face and virtual (in the case of a mixed stage); and exclusively virtual (in the case of a stage to distance).

Mechanism no face-to-face of attention to the students (*tutorías):
In the potential stage of teaching *semipresencial, the sessions of *tutorización will be able to make *presencialmente and/or in the virtual dispatch, under the modality of *concertación previous and in the schedule that establish . In the case of an educational stage in the modality to distance, the *tutorización will make only by the telematic means mentioned.

Modifications (yes proceed) of the contents to give:
there are not modifications in the contents to give.

Additional bibliography to facilitate to car-learning:
The additional bibliography will be provided to the long of the development of the matter.

Other modifications:
• Tools for the virtual teaching. In the stage of teaching *semipresencial, in addition to the face-to-face teaching in the classrooms, the virtual educational activity will give by means of Campus Integrates and will foresee likewise the use of the platform of *teledocencia *Moovi like reinforcement, and without prejudice to other measures that can adopt to guarantee the accessibility of the students to the educational contents.

• In the stage of teaching to distance, the educational activity will make exclusively of virtual way.

there are not changes neither in the instruments neither in the criteria of evaluation established in the common educational guide.

Pending proofs that keep :
All the proofs proposed in the educational guide for the next announcements, keep in any one of the three modalities of planned education: face-to-face, mixed and the distance. The criteria of evaluation, as well as his weighting on the final note, keep , so much for the students assistant, as for the no assistant. The procedures or typology of proofs of evaluation, neither modify in his content, but yes in his way of execution, in the case of the two potential extraordinary educational stages planned. Like this, in the case to be in a situation of mixed education or *semipresencial, the proofs of evaluation will be able to be organised of face-to-face way, depending on the installations and available means. If it was not possible to do them *presencialmente, would combine the face-to-face modality with the virtual or would make exclusively of virtual form.
If the situation is of education to distance, all the proofs of evaluation will make of virtual way.

Proofs that modify :
there are not modifications in the proofs of evaluation, except in the referred to the modality of evaluation: face-to-face or virtual, depending of the sanitary stage in which it carry out to teaching.

New proofs:
they do not foresee new proofs of evaluation.

Additional information:
there is not.
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