Educational guide 2023_24
Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
Grado en Educación Infantil
  Foreign language through children´s or young people´s literature: French
Topic Sub-topic
1 - Introduction I. What is children's literature?
II. The creative and playful use of the word in the infant and primary classroom and in the context of training of trainers.
2 - Lullabies, songs and rhymes.

I. The origin and morphology of lullabies.
II. The use of lullabies in the infant and primary classroom.
3 - Libros infantiles, historias activas, respuesta física total.
I. Modelo de unidad didáctica basada en un libro infantil.
II. Exposición de una unidad didáctica preparada por los estudiantes en el aula.
4 - Comics in the children's world and in the classroom.
I. Use of comics in the foreign language classroom.
5 - Fairy tales, folk legends and traditional stories.
I. The evolution of a fairy tale: archaic, traditional, postmodern.
II. The morphology of fairy tales.
III. Creative writing of a fairy tale.
6 - Children's poetry: for children or by children? I.Tongue twisters, limericks, haikus and creative writing of poems.
7- Juvenile literature: short stories and (post) modern fairy tales.
I. Exploring traditional and modern formats.
II. Short stories on CD-Rom and in the computer classroom.
III. Creative rewriting of a story from another narrative perspective.
8 - Juvenile literature: novels. Creative anticipation of the plot from the title, cover etc.
I. Choice of a novel and work on listening and reading comprehension.
II. Creative exposition of the contents of the novel through dramatization and/or play activities.
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