Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
Grado en Turismo
   Contingency plan
In front of uncertain *and unpredictable wool evolution of wool alerts sanitary caused by wool ***COVID- 19, wool *University establishes an extraordinary planning that will activate in him moment in that wools *administrations *and own wool institution *determine it *attending to criteria of *security, *health *and *responsibility, *and *guaranteeing wool teaching in a stage in the face-to-face the in the totally face-to-face. These already scheduled *measures *guarantee, in him moment that *was prescriptive, he *development of wool teaching of a *way me the *agile * *and effective *when being *known of **antemano (the with a *wide * *antelación) by him students *and he *profesorado through wool *tool normalised and institutionalised of wools guide educational ***DOCNET.

* educational Methodologies that keep
would keep all the methodologies but would intensify the following:
* Resolution of problems of autonomous form
* Practices through TIC
* Study previous

* educational Methodologies that modify

* no face-to-face Mechanism of attention to the students (**titorías)
In all the cases, the students will be able to expose doubts on the matter to the professor through the tools enabled in the platform of **teledocencia (**FAITIC) or Remote Campus

* Modifications (yes proceed) of the contents to give
will not make modifications in the contents to give

* additional Bibliography to facilitate the car-learning
Link to public videos of Spanish and foreign universities.

Only will adapt the evaluation yes evaluated of face-to-face way less than 60% of the final note.
In case to modify , the remaining proofs will serve so that the student obtain a maximum punctuation of 5 *ptos. (On 10). All that student that do not arrive the that
note or that it want to obtain an upper note will have to opt by the No continuous evaluation.
Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000 |            Accesibilidade | Aviso Legal