Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
Grado en Turismo
  Geography: Tourism in today´s world
Topic Sub-topic
1. General approximation to the nature of the tourism. The tourism like system. .
2. The historical and geographic development of the tourism. .
3. Elements and factors of location and tourist development: his implications in the territory. .
4. The space dimension of the tourist activity to scale global: main centres *emisores, destinations receptors, main tourist flows, recent evolution of the international tourism, perspectives of future.
5. The spaces *dinamizados by the tourism.
Processes and forms of organisation of the resultant space of the tourism.
6. Tourism and territorial changes, environmental, economic and *socioculturales. .
7. Sources of documentary information, cartographic and statistical related with the thematic tourist. .
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