Guia docente 2023_24
Facultad de Ciencias
Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
  Food toxicology
   Contingency plan
Given the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the health alert caused by COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes extraordinary planning that will be activated at the time that the administrations and the institution itself determine it based on safety, health and responsibility criteria. , and guaranteeing teaching in a non-classroom or partially classroom setting. These already planned measures guarantee, at the required time, the development of teaching in a more agile and effective way by being known in advance (or well in advance) by students and teachers through the standardized tool and institutionalized teaching guides.


* Teaching methodologies that are maintained
The teaching methodologies will be the same in the three scenarios, since they have been designed to facilitate a smooth transfer from a 100% classroom setting to another 100% remote. In any case, the only difference refers to the space in which the activity will take place. In the possible mixed or blended teaching scenario, the methodologies will be carried out in a blended or virtual way. On the other hand, in the distance learning scenario, the planned methodologies will be adapted to a virtual execution mode.

* Teaching methodologies that are modified
The dynamics of any teaching methodology is not modified, except, as indicated in the previous section, a mode of execution, face-to-face and virtual (in the case of a mixed scenario); and exclusively virtual (in the case of a remote setting).

* Non-face-to-face service mechanism for students (tutorials)
In the potential scenario of part-time teaching, the tutoring sessions can be carried out in person and / or in the virtual office, under the modality of prior agreement and at the time established. In the case of a teaching scenario
In the remote mode, the tutoring will be carried out only by the telematic means mentioned.

* Modifications (if applicable) of the content to be taught
There are no changes in the content to teach.

* Additional bibliography to facilitate self-learning
Additional bibliography will be provided throughout the course of the subject.

* Other modifications
Tools for virtual teaching. In the blended teaching scenario, in addition to face-to-face teaching in classrooms, the virtual teaching activity will be taught through the Integra Campus and the use of the Faitic teaching platform as reinforcement, and without prejudice to taking other measures to guarantee accessibility from students to teaching content. In the distance learning scenario, the teaching activity will be carried out exclusively virtually.

Regarding the assessment, percentages distribution is modified in case that the student do not have the computing media necessary to attend to virtual lessons. In this case, the 5% destined to the attendance to the lecturing lessons (in this case, virtual lessons) will be summed to the percentage assigned to the short questions on the contents of the matter, resulting in a 70% of the final mark. In respect of the rest evaluation criteria, there are no changes in the established ordinary teaching guide.

* Tests already carried out

* Pending tests that are maintained
All the tests proposed in the teaching guide for the next calls, remain in any of the three planned teaching modalities: face-to-face, mixed and distance, for the academic year 2021-22. The evaluation criteria, as well as their weighting in the final grade, are maintained, both for attending students and for those who do not attend. The procedures and typology of the evaluation tests do not change in their content, but in the way of execution, in the case of the two possible scenarios of extraordinary teaching foreseen. In this way, in the event of being in a mixed or blended teaching situation, the assessment tests can be organized in person, depending on the facilities and means available. If it was not possible to do it in person, the face-to-face modality would be combined with the virtual one or it would be carried out exclusively virtually.
If the situation is that of distance learning, all the assessment tests will be carried out virtually.

* Proofs that are modified
For the academic year 2021-2022, there are no changes in the assessment tests, except for the assessment method: blended or virtual, depending on the healthcare setting in which the teaching is carried out.

* New tests
No new evaluation tests are planned.

* Additional information
It is not planned.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000