Educational guide 2024_25
Centro de Posgrao e Formación Permanente
Master's Degree in Biofabrication
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Identify, classify and differentiate the properties of biomaterials and nanomaterials, the basic tools of 3D design and additive manufacturing processes of interest in biofabrication.
  A2 To get the know-how to apply knowledge of biomaterials, nanomaterials, 3D design and additive manufacturing processes in biofabrication.
  A3 To know the main classes of polymeric biomaterials, as well as their processing and characterization.
  A4 To get knowledge about the classes of polymeric and hybrid materials used in biofabrication and their fundamental properties and specifications.
  A5 Identify the different cell types used in biofabrication, their structure and function
  A6 Apply the information regarding the cell structure, function, communication and viability in biofabrication processes
  A7 Recognize the different types of human tissues.
  A8 Describe the components and methods of biofabrication that make it possible to generate artificial tissue in the laboratory, as well as its main applications and future challenges
  A9 Identify, differentiate and compare different strategies based on cell therapy, advanced therapies and biomaterials with high regenerative potential focused on different human pathologies.
  A10 Learn to apply the concepts, norms and basic ethical principles of research in health sciences.
  A11 Identify and discriminate the different types of data commonly used in Health Sciences and choose the most appropriate type of statistical analysis for a specific investigation. To apply in a correct way the statistical software available for data analysis, in particular R and RCommander.
  A12 Identify and differentiate the different information systems in the field of biomedical information and know how to apply the main computational tools for the analysis of clinical and omic data.
  A13 Identify scientific discoveries that can be transferred to the company.
  A14 To apply the knowledge of business components and the transfer of knowledge to the business world within a scientific organization.
  A15 Identify biomaterials with advanced and intelligent properties, as well as their processing and characterization.
  A16 Identify advanced 3D design and reconstruction techniques.
  A17 Apply the biomaterials with advanced and intelligent properties in biofabrication processes.
  A18 Apply the advanced 3D design and reconstruction techniques in biofabrication processes.
  A19 To know the main technologies for the fabrication of 2D and 3D scaffolds and organs by biofabrication.
  A20 To get familiar with current and emerging techniques for the preparation and characterization of 2D and 3D scaffolds.
  A21 To Develop protocols to evaluate in vitro the biocompatibility, toxicity and possible immunological effects of biomaterials.
  A22 Apply wet-lab protocols for cell growth in 3D systems and determine changes produced as a consequence of the use of biomaterials.
  A23 To describe Organ on a Chip (OOC) technology and its applications in biomedicine.
  A24 Identify, classify and differentiate the principles, norms and models of animal experimentation for of pre-clinical studies and scientific purposes.
  A25 Apply the principles, standards and animal models for pre-clinical experimentation in the field of biofabrication.
  A26 Identify and interpret the conceptual principles of the development and regulation of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products in Spain and the EU.
  A27 To analyze and compare the application of advanced therapies in current clinical practice, as well as to assess their limitations and challenges.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Classification, properties and applications of biomaterials and basic processes for biofabrication
  B2 Fundamentals and techniques of cell biology relevant to biofabrication
  B3 Fundamentals of life sciences applied to tissue engineering
  B4 Fundamentals of regenerative medicine. Legislation and Bioethics
  B5 Basics of biostatistics and bioinformatics
  B6 Basis of entrepreneurship and its application in the biomedical field
  B7 Design and application of processes in advanced biofabrication
  B8 Design and application of pre-clinical assays with cells and tissues of interest in biomanufacturing
  B9 Design and application of pre-clinical assays in animal models of interest in biomanufacturing.
  B10 Design and application of clinical models for advanced therapies
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 To acquire advanced knowledge in the field of biofabrication and to demonstrate a detailed and informed understanding of the theoretical-practical aspects and working methodology that underpin it.
  C2 To know how to apply and integrate knowledge in biofabrication in the resolution of problems in new and multidisciplinary environments, both researchers and highly specialized professionals.
  C3 To evaluate and select the appropriate scientific theory and the precise methodology to be used in the field of biofabrication to formulate judgments including, when necessary and relevant, a reflection on the social or ethical responsibility linked to the solution proposed in each case.
  C4 To be able to predict and control the evolution of complex situations by developing new and innovative working methodologies in the field of biofabrication.
  C5 To know how to transmit in a clear and unambiguous way to a specialized or non-specialized audience, results coming from scientific and technological research or from the most advanced innovation in the field of biofabrication.
  C6 Develop sufficient autonomy to participate in research projects and scientific or technological collaborations in the field of biofabrication, in interdisciplinary contexts and, where appropriate, with a high component of knowledge transfer.
  C7 Be able to take responsibility for their own professional development and specialization in the field of bio-manufacturing.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 GC1: Know techniques for information retrieval, critical analysis of information and be able to identify scientific theories and methodological approaches suitable for design and critical evaluation in biofabrication processes.
  D2 CG2: Know how to apply knowledge to problem solving and planning-management of multidisciplinary projects in research and innovation related to bio-manufacturing.
  D3 CG3: Have the ability to understand the social and ethical responsibilities arising from research, development and innovation in the area of bio-manufacturing.
  D4 CG4: Develop different skills, such as leadership, creativity, initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and to have the skills to participate in research projects and scientific or technological collaborations, in interdisciplinary contexts and with a high component of knowledge transfer.
  D5 CG5: To know, understand and be able to apply specifications, regulations and mandatory rules of the legislation related to bio-manufacturing that allow the safe use of bio-manufacturing processes.
  D6 CG6: To have oral and written communication skills and scientific interaction with professionals from other areas of knowledge
  D7 CG7: To train for the organization and planning in the field of the company, and other institutions and organizations.
  D8 CT1: To know how to plan a research project autonomously in multidisciplinary environments and to have the ability to manage research, development and technological innovation in biofabrication.
  D9 CT2: Use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as a tool for the transmission of knowledge, results and conclusions in specialized fields in a clear and rigorous manner.
  D10 CT3: Have initiative for continuous training and to address new scientific and technological challenges.
  D11 CT4: To train students to understand the meaning and application of the gender perspective in the different fields of knowledge and in professional practice with the aim of achieving a more just and egalitarian society.
  D12 TC5: Practice sustainability and environmental commitment. Equitable, responsible and efficient use of resources.
  D13 CE1: To know the polymeric, ceramic, vitreous, metallic and hybrid biomaterials, including nanomaterials, their processing and characterization, as well as obtaining the capabilities for their handling in biofabrication.
  D14 CE2: To know the basic tools of 3D design and additive manufacturing processes, as well as how to obtain the capabilities for their application in biofabrication.
  D15 CE3: To know the biomaterials with advanced and intelligent properties, as well as the acquisition of capabilities for their handling in biofabrication.
  D16 CE4: To know the advanced 3D design techniques, as well as how to obtain capabilities for their application in biofabrication.
  D17 CE5: To know the main technologies for the fabrication and characterization of 2D and 3D scaffolds and organs, as well as the obtaining of capabilities for their application in advanced biofabrication.
  D18 CE6: Knowing the cell types used in biofabrication processes, understanding their specific characteristics and the possible effects of the interaction between cells and biomaterials.
  D19 CE7: Develop basic cell culture techniques and protocols.
  D20 CE8: To know the characteristics and organization of the different types of human tissues, as well as using tools to develop protocols for the construction of artificial tissues and advanced therapies in human therapy, knowing the challenges involved.
  D21 CE9: To know the main animal models used in textile design.
  D22 CE10: Develop accurate protocols for the preclinical evaluation of the properties and behavior of biomaterials according to the context and application.
  D23 CE11: To know the principles, regulations and models of pre-clinical animal experimentation, as well as to obtain the skills for the analysis, management and design of procedures and projects with scientific purposes.
  D24 CE12: Acquire an overview of the different types of advanced therapies based on cells, cellular organelles or genes of different origins and their applications.
  D25 CE13: Acquire an ethical sense of research in health sciences.
  D26 CE14: To know the fundamentals and procedures for the development and application of an advanced therapy system applicable to tissue regeneration disorders in clinical practice.
  D27 CE15: Acquire the ability to choose and apply the most appropriate statistical techniques to the research or experimental design proposed.
  D28 CE16: Evaluate and test the applicability of different mathematical, statistical or artificial intelligence models in bioinformatics to analyze and integrate data in a clinical setting.
  D29 CE17: Knowing the basics of business operation, as well as obtaining skills for the analysis, management, design and evaluation of scientific results and technology transfer.
  D30 CE18: Enhance the skills and abilities acquired by the students through the training supported by the university in institutions and companies, to put in practice the competences and skills acquired, or to improve their research capacity if necessary.
  D31 CE19: Having mastered the knowledge, competencies and skills achieved by the student body.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000