B2 |
Saber planificar e prestar coidados de enfermaría dirixidos ás persoas, familias ou grupos, orientados aos resultados na saúde, evaluando o seu impacto, a través das guías de práctica clínica e asistencial, que describen os procesos polos cales se |
B4 |
To be able to understand the interactive behavior of the patient according to their gender, group or community, within a social, multicultural context. |
B6 |
To apply nursing interventions according to scientific evidence and available resources. |
B8 |
To promote and respect the right to participation, information, autonomy and informed consent in patients’ decision making, according to the way they experience their health-disease process. |
B10 |
To protect the good health and wellbeing of patients, families and groups, guaranteeing their safety. |
B12 |
To apply the Spanish nursing code of ethics and deontology, understanding the ethical implications health has in a world context in continuous transformation. |
B14 |
To establish assessment mechanisms, bearing in mind scientific-technical and quality factors. |
B16 |
To be able to use the healthcare information systems. |
B18 |
To use strategies conducive to adopting comfort measures and attention to symptoms, aimed both at patients and their families, in the application of palliative care that helps relieve pain in patients with advanced and/or terminal diseases. |
Choose C
Code |
Skill |
C1 |
To know and identify the structure and function of the human body. To understand the molecular and physiological bases of cells and tissues. |
C2 |
To know the use and indication of medical products linked to nursing care. |
C3 |
To know the different groups of medicines, the principles of their authorization, use and indication, and their mechanisms of action. |
C4 |
Use of medicines, assessing their expected benefits and associated risks and/or effects deriving from their administration and consumption. |
C5 |
To know and assess the nutritional needs of healthy and unhealthy people throughout their life cycles, in order to promote and strengthen healthy eating habits. |
C6 |
To identify nutrients and the foodstuffs where they can be found. |
C7 |
To identify the most prevalent nutritional problems and select appropriate diet recommendations. |
C8 |
To apply information and communication systems and technologies to healthcare. |
C9 |
To be familiar with the physio-pathological processes and their manifestations and the risk factors determining health and disease states in the different stages of the life cycle. |
C10 |
To identify people’s psychosocial responses when faced with different health situations (in particular, disease and suffering), choosing the appropriate actions to support them. |
C11 |
To strike an empathetic, respectful relationship with the patient and their family, according to the situation of the person, health condition and stage of development. |
C12 |
To use strategies and abilities conducive to an effective communication with patients, families and social groups, as well as the expression of their concerns and interests. |
C13 |
To recognize life-threatening situations and to be able to carry out basic and advanced life-support operations. |
C14 |
Coñecer e identificar os problemas psicolóxicos e físicos derivados da violencia de xénero para capacitar o estudiantado |
C15 |
Identificar, integrar e relacionar o concepto de saúde e os coidados, dende unha perspectiva histórica, para comprender a |
C16 |
Comprender dende unha perspectiva ontolóxica e epistemolóxica, a evolución dos conceptos centrais que configuran a |
C17 |
To implement the nursing process for the purposes of providing and guaranteeing patients’ wellbeing, safety and care quality. |
C18 |
To know and apply the principles underpinning comprehensive care in nursing. |
C19 |
To manage, assess and provide comprehensive nursing care to patients, families and communities. |
C20 |
Capacidade para describir os fundamentos do nivel primario de saúde e as actividades a desenvolver para proporcionar un |
C21 |
To understand the function, activities and cooperative attitude professionals must develop in a Primary Healthcare team. |
C22 |
To encourage participation by patients, families and groups in the health-disease process. |
C23 |
To identify health-related factors and problems of the environment to provide care to people in health and disease situations as members of a community. |
C24 |
To identify and analyze the influence internal and external factors can have on the health standards of individuals and groups. |
C25 |
Tol apply the appropriate professional methods and procedures to identify the most important health problems of a community. |
C26 |
To analyze statistical data from population surveys to identify possible causes of health problems. |
C27 |
Formar e informar, facilitar e apoiar a saúde e o benestar dos membros da comunidade, cuxas vidas están afectadas |
C28 |
To know the health alterations of adults, identifying the manifestations that typically appear at different stages. |
C29 |
To identify the care needs arising from health problems. |
C30 |
To analyze data collected during the moment of the assessment, prioritize the problems of adult patients, design and implement the care plan and assess it. |
C31 |
To carry out techniques and procedures of nursing care while establishing a therapeutic relationship with patients and relatives. |
C32 |
To select interventions oriented towards treating and preventing problems caused by health conditions. |
C33 |
To display a cooperative attitude with other members of the team. |
C34 |
To identify the characteristics of women in the different stages of the reproductive cycle and in the climacteric and the conditions that can arise, providing the necessary care at each stage. |
C35 |
plicar coidados xerais durante o proceso de maternidade para facilitar a adaptación das mulleres e os neonatos ás novas demandas e previr complicacións |
C36 |
Coñecer os aspectos específicos dos coidados do neonato. Identificar as características das diferentes etapas da infancia e adolescencia e os factores que condicionan o patrón normal de crecemento e desenvolvemento |
C37 |
To know the most common health problems in childhood and identify their manifestations. To analyze the data from the assessment of the child and identify the nursing problems and complications that can arise. |
C38 |
To apply the techniques that are part of nursing care, establishing a therapeutic relationship with children and their caregivers. |
C39 |
To select those interventions oriented to both healthy and sick children, as well as those arising from the methods of diagnosis and treatment. |
C40 |
To be able to provide health information and training to parents and primary caregivers. |
C41 |
To understand the changes associated with the process of ageing and its consequences for health. |
C42 |
To identify the structural, functional, psychological and lifestyle changes associated with the process of ageing. |
C43 |
To be familiar with the most common health conditions in elderly people. |
C44 |
To select caring interventions oriented to treating and preventing health problems and to adapt to daily life through provision of proximity resources and support to elderly patients. |
C45 |
To know the Spanish Healthcare System. |
C46 |
To identify the characteristics of the managerial function of nursing services and the management of care. |
C47 |
To be familiar with and be able to apply techniques of group leadership. |
C48 |
To know the relevant legislation and the Spanish Nursing Code of Ethics and Deontology, based on the European Nursing Code of Ethics and Deontology. |
C49 |
To provide care, guaranteeing the rights to dignity, privacy, intimacy, confidentiality and the ability to make decisions of patients and families. |
C50 |
To provide personalized care, taking into consideration the age, gender, cultural differences, ethnic background, beliefs and values of patients. |
C51 |
To know the most important mental health conditions in the different stages of the life cycle, providing comprehensive, effective nursing care. |
C52 |
To know the procedures of palliative care and pain control to provide relieving care to patients with advanced and/or terminal diseases. |
Choose D
Code |
Competences |
D1 |
Analysis and synthesis skills. |
D2 |
Organization and planning skills. |
D3 |
Information-management skills. |
D4 |
Problem-resolution and decision-making skills. |
D5 |
Multidisciplinary and multilingual teamwork. |
D6 |
Interpersonal relations skills. |
D7 |
Critical-thinking skills. |
D8 |
Independent-learning skills. |
D9 |
Ability to adapt to new situations. Entrepreneurship skills. Creativity. |
D10 |
Striving for quality. |
D11 |
Awareness of environmental issues. |