Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Students will have shown they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of an area of study, starting after completion of general secondary education, and normally reaching a level of proficiency that, being mostly based on advanced textbooks, will also include familiarity with some cutting-edge developments within the relevant field of study.
  A2 Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their professional practice or vocation and they will show they have the required expertise through the construction and discussion of arguments and the resolution of problems within the relevant area of study.
  A3 Students will be able to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their field of study) that will allow them to have a reflection-based considered opinion on important issues of social, scientific and ethical nature.
  A4 Students will be able to present information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  A5 Students will acquire the learning skills that are required to pursue further studies with a high degree of independence.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Conceptualization and identification of the object of study of the Sciences of the Physical Activity and the Sport.
  B2 Knowledge and comprehension of the scientific literature of the area of the physical activity and the sport.
  B3 Knowledge and compression of the physiological factors and biomechanics that determine the practice of the physical activity and the sport
  B4 Knowledge and comprehension of the behavioral and social factors that determine the practice of the physical activity and the sport.
  B5 Knowledge and comprehension of the effects of the practice of the physical exercise on the structure and function of the human body.
  B6 Knowledge and compression of the effects of the practice of the physical exercise on the psychological and social aspects of the human being.
  B7 Knowledge and comprehension of the foundations, structures and functions of the skills and bosses of the motricity humanizes.
  B8 Knowledge and comprehension of the structure function and development of the different manifestations of the motricity humanizes.
  B9 Knowledge and comprehension of the foundations of the physical exercise, motive game, dance, movement and activities in the nature.
  B10 Knowledge and comprehension of the foundations of the sport.
  B11 Knowledge and comprehension of the ethical beginning necessary for the correct professional exercise.
  B12 Application of the technologies of the information and communication (TIC) to the area of the Sciences of the Physical Activity and of the Sport.
  B13 Habits of excellence and quality in the professional exercise.
  B14 Managing of the scientific basic information applied to the physical activity and to the sport in his different manifestations.
  B15 Aptitude to design, to develop and evaluate the processes of education - learning relative to the physical activity and of the sport, with attention to the individual and contextual characteristics of the persons.
  B16 Aptitude to promote and evaluate the formation of lasting and autonomous habits of practice of the physical activity and of the sport.
  B17 Aptitude to plan, to develop and control the process of training in his different levels.
  B18 Aptitude to apply the physiological beginning, biomechanics, behavioral and social, to the different fields of the physical activity and the sport.
  B19 Aptitude to evaluate the physical condition and to prescribe physical exercise orientated towards the health
  B20 Aptitude to identify the risks that stem for the health of the practice of physical inadequate activities.
  B21 Aptitude to plan, to develop and control the accomplishment of programs of sport activities.
  B22 Aptitude to plan, to develop and control programs for the direction of organizations, entities and sports facilities.
  B23 Aptitude to select and to be able to use the material and sports equipment adapted for every type of activity.
  B24 Action inside the ethical beginning necessary for the correct professional exercise.
  B25 Skill of leadership, capacity of interpersonal relation and teamwork.
  B26 Adjustment to new situations, the resolution of problems and the autonomous learning.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 Aptitude to design, to develop and evaluate the processes of education - learning relative to the physical activity and the sport with attention to the individual and contextual characteristics of the persons.
  C2 Aptitude to promote and evaluate the formation of lasting and autonomous habits of practice of physical activity and sport between the school population
  C3 Aptitude to apply the physiological and biomechanical skills, comportamentales and social, in the offer of tasks in the processes of education - learning across the physical activity and sport.
  C4 Aptitude to identify the risks that stem for the health of the students due to the practice of inadequate physical activities .
  C5 Aptitude to plan, to develop and evaluate the accomplishment of programs of sport and physical school activity
  C6 Aptitude to select and to be able to use the material and sports equipment adapted for every type of activity in the processes of education learning across the physical activity and sport.
  C7 Aptitude to plan, to develop and control the process of training in the different levels
  C8 Aptitude to apply the physiological biomechanical, comportamental and social principles, during the process of the sports training
  C9 Aptitude to promote and evaluate the formation of lasting and autonomous habits of practical physical and sports activity in the population who realizes sports training
  C10 Aptitude to identify the risks, which stem for the health of the sportsmen, of the inadequte practice of physical activities in the context of the sports training
  C11 Aptitude to plan, to develop and to control the accomplishment of programs of sports training
  C12 Aptitude to select and to be able to use the material and sports equipment adapted for every type of activity of sports training
  C13 Aptitude to evaluate the physical condition and to prescribe physical exercise orientated towards the health
  C14 Aptitude to promote and evaluate the formation of lasting and autonomous habits of practice of physical activity and sport between the adult population, older and disabled people.
  C15 Aptitude to identify the risks that stem for the health of the development of the physical inadequate activities between the population who realizes physical practice orientated to the health
  C16 Aptitude to apply the physiological, biomechanical, comportamental and social principles to the field of the physical activity and the health
  C17 Aptitude to plan, to develop and control the accomplishment of programs of physical - sports activities orientated to the health
  C18 Aptitude to select and to be able to use the material and sports suitable equipment, for every type of activity that the population of adults practises, older and disabled people.
  C19 Aptitude to plan, to develop and to control programs for the direction of organizations, entities and sports facilities
  C20 Aptitude to manage the sports public and private services
  C21 Aptitude to design the program of functioning of the sports facilities and to select the material and sports suitable equipment
  C22 Aptitude to know and apply the juridical frame of the professional area
  C23 Aptitude to identify and value the risks that could stem from the use of the equipments and sports facilities
  C24 Aptitude to design, to develop and evaluate the processes of education - learning relative to the physical - sports recreative activity, with attention to the individual and contextual characteristics of the persons
  C25 Aptitude to plan, to develop and control the accomplishment of physical - sports recreative activities
  C26 Aptitude to select the material and sports equipment adapted for every type of physical - sports recreative activity
  C27 Aptitude to promote and evaluate the formation of lasting and autonomous habits of practice of the physical - sports recreative activities for the whole population
  C28 Aptitude to apply the physiological biomechanicl, comportamental and social principles, in the physical - sports recreative activities
  C29 Aptitude to identify the risks that stem for the health, of the practice of physical inadequate activities in the medical instructors of physical - sports recreative activity
Choose D Code Competences
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000