Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grado en Ingeniería Forestal

1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P03G370V01101 Graphic expression: Graphic expression and cartography 1st
Basic education 9
P03G370V01102 Physics: Physics I 1st
Basic education 6
P03G370V01103 Mathematics: Mathematics and IT 1st
Basic education 9
P03G370V01104 Basics of business economics 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01201 Biology: Plant Biology 2nd
Basic education 6
P03G370V01202 Physics: Physics II 2nd
Basic education 6
P03G370V01203 Mathematics: Overview of mathematics 2nd
Basic education 9
P03G370V01204 Chemistry: Chemistry 2nd
Basic education 9
2nd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P03G370V01301 Mathematics: Statistics 1st
Basic education 6
P03G370V01302 Edaphology 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01303 Botany 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01304 Electrotechnology and rural electrification 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01305 Forest entomology and Zoology 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01401 Forestry 2nd
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01402 Forestry Ecology 2nd
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01403 Topography, remote sensing and geographic information systems 2nd
Mandatory 9
P03G370V01404 Hydraulics 2nd
Mandatory 9
3rd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P03G370V01501 Forest constructions 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01502 Forestry machinery 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01503 Projects 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01504 Environmental Impact 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01505 Forest certification and legislation 1st
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01601 Use of forests 2nd
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01602 Dasometry 2nd
Mandatory 6
P03G370V01603 Repopulation 2nd
Optional 6
P03G370V01604 Forestry hydrology 2nd
Optional 6
P03G370V01605 Forest management 2nd
Optional 6
P03G370V01606 Wood technology 2nd
Optional 6
P03G370V01607 Xylo energy 2nd
Optional 6
P03G370V01609 Environmental Engineering 2nd
Optional 6
4th Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P03G370V01701 Physical planning and land management 1st
Optional 6
P03G370V01702 Hunting and fishing management 1st
Optional 6
P03G370V01703 Pathology and forest pests 1st
Optional 6
P03G370V01704 Forest and pasture management 1st
Optional 6
P03G370V01705 Wood preservation and drying technology 1st
Optional 6
P03G370V01706 Primary wood processing industries 1st
Optional 6
P03G370V01707 Industrial organisation and processes in the wood industry 1st
Optional 6
P03G370V01709 Innovation and development of products in the forest industry 1st
Optional 6
P03G370V01801 Management of protected areas and biodiversity 2nd
Optional 6
P03G370V01802 Forest Fires 2nd
Optional 6
P03G370V01804 Quality control and prevention of occupational hazards in the forestry industry 2nd
Optional 6
P03G370V01805 Chemical industries of the wood, cellulose, pulp and paper 2nd
Optional 6
P03G370V01991 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 12
P03G370V01981 Internships: Internships An
Optional 6
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000