Educational guide 2024_25
Escola Universitaria CEU de Maxisterio de Vigo
Grado en Educación Primaria

Study programme guide Study programme guide
1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V51G120V01101 Education: Educational and organisational foundations of learning 1st
Basic education 6
V51G120V01102 Education: Theory and history of education 1st
Basic education 6
V51G120V01103 Psychology: Developmental psychology from 6 -12 years 1st
Basic education 6
V51G120V01104 Sociology: Society, culture and thought 1st
Basic education 6
V51G120V01105 Sociology: Sociology of education 1st
Basic education 6
V51G120V01201 Education: Design and development of the primary education curriculum 2nd
Basic education 6
V51G120V01202 Education: New technologies applied to primary education 2nd
Basic education 6
V51G120V01203 History: History of the present 2nd
Basic education 6
V51G120V01204 Psychology: Prevention and treatment of learning difficulties and developmental disorders 2nd
Basic education 6
V51G120V01205 Psychology: Educational psychology: School learning processes 2nd
Basic education 6
2nd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V51G120V01301 Learning and development of motor skills in primary education 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01302 Experimental sciences 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01303 Spanish language 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01304 Mathematics and its teaching 1 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01305 Geography 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01401 Visual and fine arts teaching 2nd
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01402 Experimental sciences teaching 1 2nd
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01403 Musical language and expression 2nd
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01404 Galician language 2nd
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01405 Mathematics and its teaching 2 2nd
Mandatory 6
3rd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V51G120V01501 Language and literature teaching: Galician 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01502 Experimental sciences teaching 2 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01503 Social sciences teaching 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01504 Teaching research and innovation 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01506 Language and literature teaching: Spanish 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01507 English language and its teaching 1st
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01601 Physical education and its teaching in primary education 2nd
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01602 Language and literature: Galician 2nd
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01603 Language and literature: Spanish 2nd
Mandatory 6
V51G120V01901 Environmental education for development 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01902 Arts education 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01903 Professional ethics 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01908 Introduction to religion and christianity 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01910 Literature for children and young people 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01911 Mathematics teaching resources 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01951 Language development 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01952 Hearing and speech psychopathology 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01953 Literary processes: development, changes, evaluation and treatment 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01954 Teaching resources in listening and language classes 2nd
Optional 6
V51G120V01955 Prevention and intervention in communicative-linguistic disorders 2nd
Optional 6
4th Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V51G120V01991 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 6
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000