Educational guide 2024_25
Escola Universitaria CEU de Maxisterio de Vigo
Grado en Educación Infantil
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Students will have shown they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of an area of study, starting after completion of general secondary education, and normally reaching a level of proficiency that, being mostly based on advanced textbooks, will also include familiarity with some cutting-edge developments within the relevant field of study.
  A2 Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their professional practice or vocation and they will show they have the required expertise through the construction and discussion of arguments and the resolution of problems within the relevant area of study.
  A3 Students will be able to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their field of study) that will allow them to have a reflection-based considered opinion on important issues of social, scientific and ethical nature.
  A4 Students will be able to present information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  A5 Students will acquire the learning skills that are required to pursue further studies with a high degree of independence.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 To know the goals, curricular contents and assessment criteria in Preschool Education.
  B2 To promote and facilitate learning in early infancy, from a comprehensive perspective that includes different dimensions – cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional.
  B3 To design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity, paying attention to the singular educational needs of students, to gender equality, to fairness and respect for human rights.
  B4 To promote peaceful coexistence within and outside the classroom and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. To be able to systematically observe situations of learning and peaceful coexistence and to be able to reflect on them.
  B5 To reflect in a group about observance of norms and respect for others. To promote the autonomy and singularity of each student as relevant factors in the education of emotions, feelings and values in early childhood.
  B6 To be familiar with the development of language in early childhood, to be able to identify possible malfunctions and ensure a correct development. To approach efficiently situations of language learning in multicultural and multilingual contexts. To express oneself orally and in writing and to master the use of different techniques of expression.
  B7 To be familiar with the repercussions for education of technologies of information and communication, in particular, television in early childhood.
  B8 To be familiar with the fundamentals of children’s dietetics and hygiene. To know the fundamentals of early care and the basic essentials and developments allowing an understanding of the psychological and learning processes, and the construction of personality in early childhood.
  B9 To know the organization of preschool education nursery schools and the diversity of actions its functioning comprises. To be aware that the practice of the teaching profession will be permanently subject to improvement and adaptation to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout one’s life.
  B10 To play the role of adviser with parents and families in the 0-6 age range and to master social skills to deal with the family of each individual student and with all the families as a whole.
  B11 To reflect on classroom practices with the aim of innovating and improving teaching. To acquire habits and skills for independent and cooperative learning and to promote it among students.
  B12 To understand the function, possibilities and limits of education in present-day society and the fundamental competences impinging on preschool education nursery schools and their professionals. To know models of quality improvement that can be applied in schools.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 To understand the teaching and learning processes in the 6-12 age range, in the family, social and school contexts.
  C2 To know the developments of evolutionary psychology of children in the 0-3 and 3-6 age range.
  C3 To know the fundamentals of early care.
  C4 To recognize the specificity of this age range and its cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and affective characteristics.
  C5 To be able to promote the acquisition of habits of autonomy, freedom, curiosity, observation, experimentation, imitation, acceptance of norms and limits, symbolic and heuristic play.
  C6 To know the pedagogical dimension of interaction with peers and adults and to be able to promote participation in collective activities, cooperative work and individual effort.
  C7 To identify learning difficulties, cognitive and attention-related disorders.
  C8 To be able to inform other professional specialists to get the cooperation of the school and the teacher to meet the special education needs that might arise.
  C9 To acquire resources to facilitate the integration of students with learning difficulties into the education system.
  C10 To establish and maintain communication channels with the families that can have a positive impact on the education process.
  C11 To know the functions and play the role of tutor and advisor with families.
  C12 To promote and cooperate in activities inside and outside the school, organized by families, councils and other institutions that have a bearing on the education of the citizenry.
  C13 To analyze critically and incorporate the most relevant developments of present-day society that have a bearing on family and school education: the impact of audiovisual languages and screens on society and education; changes in gender and intergenerational relationships; multiculturalism and interculturalism; social inclusion and discrimination and sustainable development.
  C14 To be familiar with the history of the family, the different types of families, lifestyles and education in the family context.
  C15 To know the basic principles of healthy development and behavior.
  C16 To identify sleeping, eating, psychomotor development, attention-related and visual and auditory disorders.
  C17 To cooperate with professional specialists to solve these disorders.
  C18 To detect affective, eating and welfare deficiencies that could perturb students’ physical and psychic optimal development.
  C19 To understand the changing character of the daily functioning of preschool education, depending on each student, group, situation, and to be flexible in one’s teaching practice.
  C20 To appreciate the importance of stability and regular routines in the school environment, teachers’ timetables and moods as contributing factors to students’ harmonic, comprehensive progress.
  C21 To be able to work in a team with other professionals from the school or from other institutions to provide individual attention to every student, as well as to participate in the planning of activities for the classroom and for the play areas, identifying the specific characteristics of the 0-3 and 3-6 age range.
  C22 To understand student needs and convey confidence, calmness and warmth.
  C23 To understand that systematic observation is an essential instrument to be able to reflect about practice and reality, as well as to contribute to innovation and improvement in preschool education.
  C24 To master the techniques of observation and recording.
  C25 To approach fieldwork through observational methodology using information, documentation and audiovisual technologies.
  C26 To be able to analyze the data collected, understand reality critically and write a report with the conclusions.
  C27 To place preschool education within the Spanish education system, in a European and international context.
  C28 To be familiar with international experiences and examples of innovative practices in preschool education.
  C29 To appreciate the importance of teamwork.
  C30 To participate in the developing and monitoring of educational projects of preschool education in the context of school projects in cooperation with the milieu and with other professionals and social agents.
  C31 To know the legislation governing preschool education and its organization.
  C32 To consider the personal relationship with each student and their family as a factor to improve the quality of education.
  C33 To know the scientific, mathematical and technological foundations of the curriculum of this stage, as well as the theories about the acquisition and development of the relevant contents and skills.
  C34 To know teaching strategies to develop numerical representations and notions of space, geometry and logical development.
  C35 To understand mathematics as a kind of sociocultural knowledge.
  C36 To be familiar with scientific methodology and to promote scientific thinking and experimentation.
  C37 To be familiar with the development of thought, customs, beliefs and social and political movements throughout history.
  C38 To know the most salient moments of the history of science and technology and their significance.
  C39 To develop teaching activities involving interaction between science, technology, society and sustainable development.
  C40 To promote interest in and respect for the natural, social and cultural environments through appropriate teaching projects.
  C41 To promote experiences of introduction to information and communication technologies.
  C42 To know the syllabus of language and literacy for this stage as well as the theories of acquisition and development of the relevant learning contents.
  C43 To develop speaking and writing skills.
  C44 To know and master techniques of oral written expression.
  C45 To know the oral and folk traditions.
  C46 To understand the transition from speech to writing and to learn the different registers and uses of language.
  C47 To know the process of learning/teaching to read and write.
  C48 To approach situations of language learning in multilingual contexts.
  C49 To recognize and appreciate the appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal language.
  C50 To know and use appropriate resources for promotion of reading and writing habits.
  C51 To acquire literary training, in particular, knowledge of children’s literature.
  C52 To be able to promote a first approach to a foreign language.
  C53 To know the fundamentals of music, plastic art and self-expression through movement of the syllabus of this stage, as well as the theories about the acquisition and development of the relevant learning contents.
  C54 To be familiar with and use songs to foster auditory, rhythmic and vocal education.
  C55 To be able to use gameplaying as a teaching resource, as well as designing learning activities based on principles.
  C56 To develop teaching activities that foster musical perception and expression, motor skills, drawing and creativity.
  C57 To analyze audiovisual languages and their implications for teaching.
  C58 To promote sensitivity towards plastic expression and artistic creation.
  C59 To acquire practical knowledge about the management of a classroom.
  C60 To know and apply the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, and master the social skills and abilities that are necessary to create an atmosphere in the classroom conducive to facilitating learning and respectful coexistence.
  C61 To control and monitor the education process, in particular the teaching-learning process, through the mastery of the appropriate techniques and strategies.
  C62 To establish links between theory and practice and the classroom and school contexts.
  C63 To participate in teaching activities and learning from them, reflecting on practices and acting accordingly.
  C64 To participate in the different proposals for improvement in the different areas of activity existing in a school.
  C65 To control the processes of interaction and communication in the groups of students aged between 0-3 and 3-6.
  C66 To know the different forms of cooperation with the different sectors of the school community and its social milieu.
  C67 These competences, along with the specific competences of the rest of the subjects, will be displayed in the Degree’s Final Project, which encapsulates the knowledge and skills acquired in all the courses that have been described.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Analytical and synthetic skills.
  D2 Organization and planning skills.
  D3 Oral and written communication skills.
  D4 Mastery of a foreign language.
  D5 Computing skills.
  D6 Information-management skills.
  D7 Problem-resolution skills.
  D8 Decision-making skills.
  D9 Teamwork skills.
  D10 Work in an international context.
  D11 Interpersonal relations skills.
  D12 Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism.
  D13 Critical-thinking skills.
  D14 Ethical commitment.
  D15 Independent-learning skills.
  D16 Ability to adapt to new situations.
  D17 Creativity.
  D18 Leadership skills.
  D19 Knowledge of other cultures and customs.
  D20 Entrepreneurship.
  D21 Striving for quality.
  D22 Awareness about environmental issues.
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