Guia docente 2019_20
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Degree in Mechanical Engineering
  Manufacturing engineering and dimensional quality
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Esta proba valora os coñecementos adquiridos nas clases de aula e de prácticas e o traballo persoal do alumno a estas asociado.
Resultados de aprendizaxe:
- Coñecer a base tecnolóxica e aspectos básicos dos procesos de fabricación.
- Comprender os aspectos básicos dos sistemas de fabricación
- Adquirir habilidades para a selección de procesos de fabricación e elaboración da planificación de fabricación
- Aplicación de tecnoloxías CAQ
25 B3
Practices report Os informes ou memorias de prácticas servirán para a avaliación, só se o alumno opta pola avaliación continua e, sempre que sexa na primeira convocatoria, tal como explícase na sección outros comentarios.

Resultados de aprendizaxe:
- Adquirir habilidades para a selección de procesos de fabricación e elaboración da planificación de fabricación
- Desenvolver habilidades para a fabricación de conxuntos e elementos en contornas CADCAM
- Aplicación de tecnoloxías CAQ
20 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving Probas obxectivas de avaliación do proceso de aprendizaxe a través da formulación de problemas e/ou exercicios de aplicación para que o estudante desenvolva de forma teórico-práctica solucións adecuadas a cada problema e/ou exercicio exposto.
Resultdos do parendizaxe:
- Coñecer a base tecnolóxica e aspectos básicos dos procesos de fabricación
- Adquirir habilidades para a selección de procesos de fabricación e elaboración da planificación de fabricación
Aplicación de tecnoloxías CAQ
55 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation
Ethical commitment: The student is expected to exhibit appropriate ethical behavior. If unethical behavior is detected (copying, plagiarism, use of unauthorized electronic devices, for example), the student will not be considered to meet the requirements necessary to pass the subject. In this case, the overall grade for the current academic year will be a fail (0.0).The use of any electronic device will not be allowed during the evaluation tests unless expressly authorized. The fact of introducing an unauthorized electronic device in the examination room will be considered as a reason for not passing the subject in the present academic year and the overall grade will be of fail (0.0).


Students can choose between two evaluation systems:

A. Without Continuous Assessment The assessment is based on a Final Exam consisting of two parts (a+b):

a. Test of up to 20 questions, which can be both classroom teaching and practice. The test will be made up of multiple choice and single answer questions in which each wrong answer subtracts the probability of guessing (i.e. if there are four possible answers, the error would subtract 1/4 from the value of the question). The value of the test is 35% of the test.

b.- Problems and/or exercises that can be both classroom teaching and practical. The value of this part of the exam is 65%.

B. Continuous Evaluation. It consists of two parts:

a.- Examination (8 points out of 10 of the total of the subject) that consists of two parts:

Questionnaire Test (2,5) points out of 8 of the total of the examination) of a maximum of 20 questions, which may be from the part of classroom teaching or practice. The test questions may include closed-ended questions with different alternative answers (true/false, multiple choice, pairing of elements,...). Each wrong answer of the test will subtract the probability of right (i.e. if there are four possible answers and a single answer would subtract 1/4 of the value of the question, and in an equivalent way to the other types of questions of the test).

Problem solving and/or exercises (5.5 points out of 8 of the total of the exam), which may be from the classroom teaching or practice part.

b.- Justification of Practices through memory or report (2 points out of 10 of the total of the subject) To pass the subject a minimum grade of 40% must be obtained in each evaluable part, that is to say: For case A: a minimum of 4 must be obtained in the test as well as in the part of problems if each one of those parts of the exam is evaluated on 10. If this minimum is not passed in each part, the student will not be able to obtain more than 4.9 in the final overall grade. For case B: a minimum grade of 4 must be obtained in each of the three evaluable parts: practices, test and problems/exercises. If the student does not reach the minimum of 4 out of 10 in each evaluable part he will not be able to obtain more than 4.9 in the global final grade of all the subject.

SECOND AND SUBSEQUENT CALLS: In the second call and in subsequent calls, in this latter case in which the teaching given in the immediately preceding course is evaluated, the Evaluation System is limited only to option A of those explained in the case of First Call. In no case will any part of the subject or content evaluated in previous courses be recognized.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000