Guia docente 2019_20
Escola de Enxeñería Industrial
Degree in Mechanical Engineering
  Materials science and technology
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical Assistance, participation and reports that delivered periodically.

Results of learning:
it Comprises the mechanical behaviour of the metallic materials, ceramic, plastics and compounds
Knows the basic technicians of structural characterisation of the materials
Purchases skills in the handle of the diagrams and charts.
It is able to apply norms of essays of materials
Purchases skill in the realisation of essays.
It analyses the results obtained and extracts conclusions of the same
2 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving In the final examination will include questions of short answer and/or type test. The examination will realise in the date fixed by the centre.

Results of learning:
it Comprises the fundamental concepts of link, structure and microestructure of the distinct types of materials.
It comprises the relation go in to microestructure of the material in his mechanical behaviour, electrical, thermal and magnetic.
It comprises the mechanical behaviour of the metallic materials, ceramic, plastics and composed
Know how can modify the properties by means of mechanical processes and thermal treatments
Knows the basic technicians of structural characterisation of the materials
Purchases skills in the handle of the diagrams and charts
Is able to apply norms of essays of materials
Purchases skill in the realisation of essays
Analyses the results obtained and extracts conclusions of the same
43 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving It will value the exercises posed along the course (25%).
In the final examination will include similar exercises (20%).

Results of learning:
it Comprises the fundamental concepts of link, structure and microestructure of the distinct types of materials.
It comprises the relation go in to microestructure of the material in his mechanical behaviour, electrical, thermal and magnetic.
It comprises the mechanical behaviour of the metallic materials, ceramic, plastics and composed
Know how can modify the properties by means of mechanical processes and thermal treatments
Knows the basic technicians of structural characterisation of the materials
Purchases skills in the handle of the diagrams and charts
Is able to apply norms of essays of materials
Purchases skill in the realisation of essays
Analyses the results obtained and extracts conclusions of the same
50 B3
Essay They posed works along the course and will indicate the guidelines for his preparation.

Results of learning:
it Comprises the fundamental concepts of link, structure and microestructure of the distinct types of materials.
It comprises the relation go in to microestructure of the material in his mechanical behaviour, electrical, thermal and magnetic.
It comprises the mechanical behaviour of the metallic materials, ceramic, plastics and composed
Know how can modify the properties by means of mechanical processes and thermal treatments
Knows the basic technicians of structural characterisation of the materials
Purchases skills in the handle of the diagrams and charts
Is able to apply norms of essays of materials
Purchases skill in the realisation of essays
Analyses the results obtained and extracts conclusions of the same
5 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

*Evaluaci�*n Continuous

The *evaluaciÃ�*ncontinua makeà during the period of *imparticiÃ�*n of the subject, *segÃ�*nlos criteria established in the previous section and corresponds with 30%of the final note. To surpass the subject beà necessary to have reached *unapuntuaciÃ�*n *mÃ�*nima of 40% in the proof made in the date previously *fijadapor the centre, that corresponds with 70% of the final note. Those students *queno receive to the *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous (previous *autorizaciÃ�*n of the *direcciÃ�*n *dela *EEI) beÃ*n evaluated with a final examination on the contents of *latotalidad of the matter, that *supondrà 100% of the note.

Examination of Julio (2*� *Edici�*n)

In the examination *deJulio *tendrà in account the *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous (VÃ*lida only in the course 2019-20). The examination *tendrà the same *caracterÃ�*sticasque the previous and makeà in the previously fixed date by the centre. Those students *quequieran renounce to the *evaluaciÃ�*n continuous beÃ*n evaluated with an examination *finalsobre the contents of the whole of the material (*teorÃ�to + *prÃ*ctica) *quesupondrà 100% of the note.

Extraordinary examination

Examination on *loscontenidos of the whole of the material (*teorÃ�to + *prÃ*ctica) that *supondrà 100%of the note.

Commitment �*tico:

It expects that the present student a behaviour �*tico suitable. In *casode detect a behaviour no �*tico (copy, plagiarism, *utilizaci�*n of *aparatoselectr�*nicos unauthorised, etc.), considerà that the student no *re�*ne *losrequisitos necessary to surpass the matter. In this case, the *calificaci�*nglobal in the present course *acad�*mico beà of suspense (0.0).

No allowà the *utilizaci�*n of *ning�*n device *electr�*nico *durantelas proofs of *evaluaci�*n, except *autorizaci�*n expresses. The fact of *introducirun device *electr�*nico unauthorised in the classroom of examination beà *consideradomotivo of no *superaci�*n of the matter in the present course *acad�*mico and *lacalificaci�*n global beà of suspense (0.0).

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000