Educational guide 2018_19
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Degree in Mechanical Engineering
  Mathematics: Algebra and statistics
   Learning outcomes
Expected results from this subject Training and Learning Results
1. Define, look for, organize and elaborate works with information of the subject 2. Cooperatively workout exercise resolution 3. Use of telematic tools and other sources for autonomous learning CELL BIOLOGY 4. Recognize the diversity and organisation of cells and tissues 5. Establish relations between cell compartments and cell functions 6. Differentiate clearly vegetal and animal cell and tissue organisation 7. Establish relationships between cell organisation and cell function 8. Optical microscope utilization 9. Knowing staining techniques 10. Identification of cell organelles by electron microscopy and tissues by optical microscopy GENETICS 11. Importance of DNA in biology 12. Apply the scientific method and basic research technologies in Genetics 13. Learn how to establish genetic hypotheses and strategies to refute them 14. Manage the basic mechanisms for the transmission of the hereditary material 15. Know the molecular structurer, the regulation and the expression of the hereditary material 16. Know the basic genomic principles and their biotechnological applications. 17. Know the origin of the biological diversity and the evolutionary history of the species
Acquire the basic knowledge on matrices, vector spaces and linear maps. B3
Handle the operations of the matrix calculation and use it to solve problems to systems of linear equations. B3
Understand the basic concepts on eigenvalues and eigenvectors, vector spaces with scalar product and quadratic forms used in other courses and sove basic problems related to these subjects. B3
Perform basic exploratory analysis of databases. B3
Model situations under uncertainty by means of probability. B3
Know basic statistical models and their application to industry and perform inferences from data samples. B3
Use computer tools to solve problems of the contents of the course. B3
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000