Educational guide 2019_20
Escola de Enxeñería Industrial
Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering
  Mathematics: Calculus 1
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving They will make proofs written and/or works. 40 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation
&*amp;*lt;*p *class=&*amp;*amp;*quot;*MsoNormal&*amp;*amp;*quot;&*amp;*gt;&*amp;*lt;*span&*amp;*gt;The continuous evaluation will carry out on the previously exposed criteria. Those students that do not receive to the continuous evaluation will be evaluated with a final examination on the contents of the whole of the matter, that will suppose 100% of the note.&*amp;*lt;/*span&*amp;*gt;&*amp;*lt;/*p&*amp;*gt; &*amp;*lt;*p&*amp;*gt;&*amp;*lt;*span&*amp;*gt;The evaluation of the students in second announcement will consist in an examination on the contents of the whole of the matter, that will suppose 100% of the note.&*amp;*lt;/*span&*amp;*gt;&*amp;*lt;/*p&*amp;*gt; &*amp;*lt;*p&*amp;*gt;&*amp;*lt;*span&*amp;*gt;Ethical commitment:&*amp;*lt;/*span&*amp;*gt;&*amp;*lt;/*p&*amp;*gt; &*amp;*lt;*p&*amp;*gt;&*amp;*lt;*span&*amp;*gt;&*amp;*amp;*quot;it expects that the present student a suitable ethical behaviour. In case to detect a no ethical behaviour (copy, plagiarism, utilisation of unauthorised electronic devices, and others) will consider that the student does not gather the necessary requirements to surpass the matter. In this case the global qualification in the present academic course will be of suspense (0.0).&*amp;*amp;*quot;&*amp;*lt;/*span&*amp;*gt;&*amp;*lt;/*p&*amp;*gt;
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000