Educational guide 2019_20
Escola de Enxeñería Industrial
Grao en Enxeñaría en Tecnoloxías Industriais
  Deseño e ensaio de máquinas
  Descrición Cualificación Resultados de Formación e Aprendizaxe
Prácticas de laboratorio Valorarase a asistencia e a participación do alumno nas prácticas de laboratorio, as memorias das prácticas de laboratorio, os traballos e os test realizados a partir delas.
Para sumar a nota de prácticas necesítase a asistencia a un mínimo de 7 prácticas.
Avalíanse todos os resultados de aprendizaxe.
20 C13
Resolución de problemas e/ou exercicios Avaliarase en exame final/parciais enfocados aos problemas correspondentes aos coñecementos impartidos durante as clases de aula e laboratorio.
Avalíanse todos os resultados de aprendizaxe.
60 B3
Resolución de problemas e/ou exercicios Avaliarase en exame final/parciais enfocados aos contidos correspondentes aos coñecementos impartidos durante as clases de aula e laboratorio.
Avalíanse todos os resultados de aprendizaxe.
20 B11
Outros comentarios sobre a Avaliación

Students must achieve at least 5 points (out of 10 points) to pass the subject, according the following rules:

  1. Students must participate in the practical sessions. Practice reports, memos and tests discussions for each practice session as well as proposed works from tutorials will be evaluated and graded with a maximum of 2 points for the final grade. This score will be kept for the final evaluation of the same course (July). To be evaluated, students must attend a minimum of 7 practice sessions; otherwise, students won’t be evaluated and will get 0 points.
  2. For those students who have been officially granted the right to waive their continued evaluation, there will be a mandatory final test where they will be able to get a maximum grade of 2 points. However, an advanced request must be made to the professor to prepare the necessary materials for this test.
  3. The final test will consist in short answer questions and problems, where the distribution of 60% and 20% of the final grade is simply an indicative percentage, depending on each examination sitting. The final test will have a maximum grade of 8 points.

* Grades are calculated using a system of numerical qualification from 0 to 10 points conforming to the Spanish current legislation (RD 1125/2003, 5 September; BOE 18 September).

Ethical commitment: An adequate ethical behaviour of the student is expected at all times. In case an unethical behaviour is detected (copying, plagiarism, unauthorized use of electronic devices, and others); the student will be considered unfit to meet the necessary requirements to pass the subject. In this case, the overall qualification in the current academic year will be a Fail grade (0.0).

The use of any electronic devices during tests is completely forbidden unless is specified and authorized. The fact of introducing unauthorized electronic devices in the examination room will be considered reason enough to fail the subject in the current academic year and the overall qualification will be a Fail grade (0.0).

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000