Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Chemistry, physics and geology: Integrated laboratory II
Topic Sub-topic
- Galvanic and electrolytic cells. Utilisation of the equation of *Nernst. (2 sessions)
- Technical of separation: solid extraction-liquid and chromatography in fine layer. (1 session)
- Technical of separation: chromatography in fine layer and chromatography in column. (1 session)
- chemical Balance: Study of the balance of dissociation by methods *conductimétrico and *potenciométrico (1 session)
- Kinetical chemical: kinetical Study of a chemical reaction (2 sessions)
- Law of Lambert-*Beer: Determination of the concentration of a *colorante by means of spectroscopy (1 session)
- Equation of state of the ideal gases (1 session)
- Modelling of simple inorganic molecules. (1 session)
- Representation of organic molecules: molecular models. (1 session)
- Obtaining of simple inorganic compounds. (2 sessions)
- Obtaining of simple organic compounds. (1 sessions)
- Obtaining of organic polymers. (1 session)
- Introduction to the morphological study and *microestructural of the half crystalline: Analysis *mineralógico by means of *microscopía optical with light polarised (2 sessions)
- Introduction to the technicians of crystalline growth in the laboratory: methods of creation of the supersaturation and training of *monocristales. Polymorphism. Growth of glasses in *geles (1 session)
- Determination of the resistance specifies of a driver. (1 session)
- Law of Ohm: circuits of continuous current. (1 session)
- *Calibración of a thermistor. (1 session)
- Phenomena of electromagnetic induction: currents induced, laws of Faraday and *Lenz. *Tranformador. (1 session)
- Theorem of transfer of maximum power in a circuit. (1 session)
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