B2 |
Ability to develop a project to completion in any field of this branch of engineering, combining appropriately the knowledge acquired, consulting the relevant sources of information, carrying out any required inquiries, and joining interdisciplinary work teams. |
B4 |
To foster collaborative working, communication, organization and planning skills, along with the ability to take responsibilities in a multilingual, multidisciplinary work environment that promotes education for equality, peace and respect for fundamental rights.
Choose C
Code |
Skill |
C1 |
Ability to solve mathematical problems that might arise in engineering. Ability to apply knowledge of: linear algebra, geometry, differential geometry, differential and integral calculus, differential and partial differential equations, numerical methods, numerical algorithms, statistics and optimization.
C2 |
Visual-spatial ability and knowledge of the techniques of graphic representation, through use of traditional methods of metric geometry and descriptive geometry, and of computer-assisted design applications.
C3 |
Basic knowledge of use and programming of computers, operating systems, data bases and computer programs that can be applied in engineering. |
C4 |
Understanding and mastery of the essential concepts of the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, fields and waves and electromagnetism, and their application for solving problems that are specific to the field of engineering.
C5 |
Ability to understand and apply the principles and basic knowledge of general chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry and their applications in engineering.
C6 |
Sound knowledge of the concept of company, institutional and juridical framework of companies. Organization and management of companies.
C7 |
Ability to solve ordinary differential equations for application to problems in engineering.
C8 |
Understanding the concepts of randomness and uncertainty in physical, social and economic phenomena.
C9 |
Basic knowledge of numerical calculus applied to engineering.
C10 |
Knowledge and understanding of basic concepts pertaining to the general laws of mechanics and thermodynamics and their application for solving specific problems of engineering. Transference of heat and matter and thermal machines.
C11 |
Ability to know, understand and use the principles and technology of materials.
C12 |
Knowledge of geotechnics and soil and rock mechanics.
C13 |
Knowledge of resistance of materials and theory of structures.
C14 |
Knowledge of topography, photogrammetry and cartography.
C15 |
Knowledge of the principles of fluid mechanics and hydraulics.
C16 |
Knowledge of the fundamentals of the electrical power system: generation of energy, transportation, distribution and delivery networks, along with the types of lines and conductors. Knowledge of the regulations of high and low tension. Basic knowledge of electronics and control systems.
C17 |
Ability to apply methodologies of study and assessment of environmental impact and, more generally, environmental technologies, sustainability and waste treatment.
C18 |
Knowledge of and skills for calculus, construction and design of machines.
C19 |
Knowledge of the methodology, management and organization of projects.
C20 |
Applied knowledge of the fundamentals of hydraulic services and facilities. Planning and management of hydraulic resources.
C21 |
Applied knowledge of the fundamentals of mechanical and fluid systems and machines.
C22 |
Knowledge about electrical power systems and their applications.
C23 |
Ability to design electrical power plants.
C24 |
Ability to design and manage procedures of applied experimentation, especially for the determination of transmission and thermodynamic properties, and for the modelling of systems and phenomena in the field of chemical engineering, fluid systems, heat transmission, matter transference operations, kinetics of chemical reactions and reactors.
C25 |
Knowledge about material and energy balance, biotechnology, matter transference, separation operations, engineering of chemical reactions, design of reactors, and assessment and transformation of raw materials and energy resources.
C26 |
Applied knowledge of the fundamentals of basic process operations.
C27 |
Applied knowledge of the fundamentals of processes of refining, petrochemicals and carbon chemicals.
C28 |
Applied knowledge of the fundamentals of alternative energies and efficient use of energy.
C29 |
Applied knowledge of thermal engineering.
C30 |
Applied knowledge of renewable energies.
C31 |
Applied knowledge of the fundamentals of energy logistics and distribution.
C32 |
To know, understand and apply the principles of use, transformation and management of energy resources.
C33 |
Applied knowledge of the fundamentals of industries of generation, transmission, transformation and management of thermal and electrical power.
C34 |
Applied knowledge of the fundamentals of nuclear engineering and radiological protection.
C35 |
Ability to apply the knowledge about thermal engines and machines to problems that might arise in engineering.
C36 |
Ability to apply Environmental Technologies to problems that might arise in Thermal Engineering.
C37 |
Ability to analyze safety and health issues in projects, plants and facilities.
C38 |
Knowledge about modelling and simulation of systems.
C39 |
Ability to manage audits of energy facilities.
C40 |
Understanding and ability to use concepts pertaining to energy efficiency and saving, as well as their management and application for solving problems specific to the field of energy engineering.
C41 |
Ability to innovate in the development of new lines, projects and products in the field of energy engineering.
C42 |
Ability to analyze the financial rules of the functioning of electricity production systems. To be familiar with the electricity market.
C43 |
Knowledge and ability to apply the regulations on energy efficiency.
C44 |
To be familiar with sensors for measuring physical variables.
C45 |
Ability to choose and use systems of data collection and electronic instrumentation.
C46 |
Knowledge and ability to design low tension facilities.
C47 |
Ability to analyze the performance of facilities from the perspective of wave quality and efficiency.
C48 |
Ability to understand knowledge in the field of cooling production.
C49 |
Ability to design cooling and air conditioning facilities.
C50 |
To apply the principles of use of alternative energies.
C51 |
To know in depth and acquire the ability to design the main renewable energy production systems.
C52 |
Ability to plan and comprehensively manage projects, measurements, stakeouts, monitoring and follow-up.
C53 |
To know, understand and use the principles of extraction of raw materials of mineral origin.
C54 |
Applied knowledge of business organization.
C55 |
Ability to identify the potential of underground space in the energy field.
C56 |
Ability to manage the finances and the human resources in a project in the field of energy engineering.
C57 |
Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team in a multilingual environment and to communicate, both orally and in writing, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas pertaining to the energy field.
C58 |
Ability to use computer-assisted design software.
C59 |
Ability to use tools of cartographic engineering, photogrammetry and remote sensing to solve problems of energy efficiency.
C60 |
To know the mechanisms of storing and extraction of hydrocarbons.
C61 |
To identify the mechanisms of contamination of soils caused by technological and industrial processes in the field of energy engineering.
C62 |
To know the processes and technologies of remediation of soils. To be able to choose the most appropriate processes of soil remediation.
Choose D
Code |
Competences |
D1 |
To be familiar with and to be able to use the legislation applicable in this sector, to be acquainted with the social and business environments and to be able to deal with the relevant administration, integrating this knowledge into the drawing up of engineering projects and into the implementation of every aspect of their professional work.
D2 |
Ability to organize, understand, assimilate, produce and handle all the relevant information to develop their professional work, using appropriate computing, mathematics, physics tools, etc. when these are required.
D3 |
Understanding engineering within a framework of sustainable development with environmental awareness.
D4 |
Understanding the importance of safety issues and being able to foster awareness about safety among people within their environment.
D5 |
To become aware of the need for continuous training and the constant improvement of quality, developing the values that are characteristic of scientific thinking, showing flexible, open and ethical attitudes in the face of different situations and opinions, particularly as regards non-discrimination on the grounds of gender, race or religion, respect for fundamental rights, accessibility, etc.
D6 |
Ability to understand the meaning and application of a gender perspective in the different spheres of knowledge and in people’s professional practice, with the ultimate aim of achieving a fairer, more equal society.
D7 |
Ability to communicate orally and in writing in Galician language.
D8 |
Commitment to environmental sustainability. Fair, responsible, efficient use of resources.