Long answer tests and development |
Final exam with short questions on the contents of the subject.
<br>Competences: CG1, CG4, CG8, CE1, CE2, CE3 |
50 |
Reports / memories of practice |
Reports of the practices that employ the techniques seen in the classroom.
<br><br>Competences: CG1, CG4, CG8, CE1, CE2, CE3 |
50 |
A minimum score of 35% with respect to the maximum possible score in the final exam is required to pass the course. In those cases in which the student decides not to carry out the continuous evaluation tasks, the final score will be solely based on the exam with questions of the subject. This applies as well to the second call. Once the student turns in any of the deliverables, he/she will be considered to be following the continuous evaluation track. Any student that chooses the continuous evaluation track will get a final score, regardless of he/she takes the final exam. Continuous evaluation tasks cannot be redone after their corresponding deadlines, and are only valid for the current year. |