Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Students have demonstrated knowledge acquisition and understanding in the field of study. This knowledge begins based on general secondary education, and it is typically at a level that, although advanced textbooks would support it, includes some aspects at the forefront of their field of study.
  A2 Students can apply their knowledge to their jobs in a professional way and they have competences that are typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study.
  A3 Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical topics.
  A4 Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both general and specialized public.
  A5 Students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 CG1: The ability to write, develop and sign projects in the field of Telecommunication Engineering, according to the knowledge acquired as considered in section 5 of this Law, the conception and development or operation of networks, services and applications of Telecommunication and Electronics.
  B2 CG2: The knowledge, comprehension and ability to apply the needed legislation during the development of the Technical Telecommunication Engineer profession and aptitude to manage compulsory specifications, procedures and laws.
  B3 CG3: The knowledge of basic subjects and technologies that enables the student to learn new methods and technologies, as well as to give him great versatility to confront and adapt to new situations
  B4 CG4: The ability to solve problems with initiative, to make creative decisions and to communicate and transmit knowledge and skills, understanding the ethical and professional responsibility of the Technical Telecommunication Engineer activity.
  B5 CG5: The knowledge to perform measurements, calculations, assessments, appraisals, technical evaluations, studies, reports, task scheduling and similar work to each specific telecommunication area.
  B6 CG6: The aptitude to manage mandatory specifications, procedures and laws.
  B7 CG7: The ability to analyze and assess the social and environmental impact of technical solutions.
  B8 CG8: To know and apply basic elements of economics and human resources management, project organization and planning, as well as the legislation, regulation and standarization in Telecommunications.
  B9 CG9: The ability to work in multidisciplinary groups in a Multilanguage environment and to communicate, in writing and orally, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas related with Telecommunications and Electronics.
  B10 CG10 The ability for critical reading of scientific papers and docs.
  B11 CG11 To approach a new problem considering first the essential and then the secondary aspects
  B12 CG12 The development of discussion ability about technical subjects
  B13 CG13 The ability to use software tools that support problem solving in engineering.
  B14 CG14 The ability to use software tools to search for information or bibliographical resources.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 CE1/FB1: The ability to solve mathematical problems in Engineering. The aptitude to apply knowledge about linear algebra, geometry, differential geometry, differential and integral calculus, differential and partial differential equations; numerical methods, numerical algorithms, statistics and optimization
  C2 CE2/FB2: The basic knowledge about using and programming computers, operative systems, databases and Engineering applied software.
  C3 CE3/FB3: Comprehension and command of basic concepts about the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetic fields and waves and electromagnetism and their application to solve Engineering problems.
  C4 CE4/FB4: Comprehension and command of basic concepts in linear systems and their related functions and transforms; electric circuits theory, electronic circuits, physical principles of semiconductors and logical families, electronic and photonic devices, materials technology and their application to solve Engineering problems.
  C5 CE5/FB5: The necessary knowledge of business concepts, of law and institutional frameworks. business organization and management .
  C6 CE6/T1: The ability to learn independently new knowledge and appropriate techniques for the conception, development and exploitation of telecommunication systems and services
  C7 CE7/T2: The ability to use communication and software applications (ofimatics, databases, advanced calculus, project management, visualization, etc.) to support the development and operation of Electronics and Telecommunication networks, services and applications.
  C8 CE8/T3: The ability to use software tools for bibliographical resources search or information related with electronics and telecommunications.
  C9 CE9/T4: The ability to analyze and specify the main parameters of a communications system.
  C10 CE10/T5: The ability to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different technological alternatives in the implementation and deployment of communication systems from the point of view of signals, perturbations, noise and digital and analogical modulation systems.
  C11 CE11/T6: The ability to conceive, deploy, organize and manage networks, systems, services and Telecommunication infrastructures in residential (home, city, digital communities), business and institutional environments, being responsible for launching of projects and continuous improvement like knowing their social and economical impact.
  C12 CE12/T7: The knowledge and use of basics in telecommunication networks, systems and service programming.
  C13 CE13/T8: The ability to understand the electromagnetic and acoustic wave mechanisms of propagation and transmission, and their corresponding receiving and transmitting devices.
  C14 CE14/T9: The ability to analyze and design combinatory and sequential, synchronous and asynchronous circuits and the usage of integrated circuits and microprocessors.
  C15 CE15/T10: The knowledge and application of the fundamentals of description languages for hardware devices.
  C16 CE16/T11: The ability to use different energy sources, especially photovoltaic and thermal ones, as well as the fundamentals of power electronics and electronics
  C17 CE17/T12: The knowledge and usage of concepts of communication network architecture, protocols and interfaces.
  C18 CE18/T13: The ability to differentiate the concepts of access and transport networks, packet and circuit switched networks, mobile and fixed networks, as well as distributed newtwork application and systems, voice, data, video, audio, interactive and multimedia services.
  C19 CE19/T14: The knowledge of methods of networking and routing, as well as the fundamentals of planning and network evaluation based on traffic parameters.
  C20 CE20/T15: The knowledge of national, European and international telecommunication regulations and laws.
  C21 CE21/ST1 The ability to construct, exploit and manage telecommunication networks, services, process and applications, considered as systems of receiving, transporting, representation, processing, storage, management and presentation of multimedia information from the point of view of transmission systems.
  C22 CE22/ST2 The ability of applying the basic techniques of telecommunication networks, services and applications for mobile and fixed environments, personal, local or long distance, with different bandwidth, including telephony, radio broadcasting, TV and data, from the point of view of transmission systems.
  C23 CE23/ST3 The ability to analyze the components and their specifications for guided and non-guided communications systems
  C24 CE24/ST4 The ability to select circuits, subsystems and systems of radiofrequency, microwaves, broadcasting, radio link and radio determination.
  C25 CE25/ST5 The ability to select transmission antennas, equipment and systems, propagation of guided and non-guided waves, with electromagnetic, radiofrequency and optical media, and their corresponding radio electric spectrum management and frequency designation.
  C26 CE26/ST6 The ability to analyze, codify, process and transmit multimedia information using analogical and digital signal processing techniques.
  C27 CE27/TEL1The ability to construct, operate and manage telecommunication networks, services, processes and applications considered as systems to receive, transport, represent, process, store, manage and present multimedia information from the computer services point of view.
  C28 CE28/TEL2 The ability to apply the techniques that are basis of computer networks, services and applications, such as management, signaling and switching, routing and securing systems (cryptographic protocols, tunneling, firewalls, charging mechanisms, authentication and content protection) traffic engineering (graph theory, queuing theory and teletraffic) rating, reliability and quality of service in both fixed, mobile, personal, local or long distance environments with different bandwidths, including telephony and data.
  C29 CE29/TEL3 The ability to build, operate and manage computer services using planning, sizing and analytical tools
  C30 CE30/TEL4 The ability to describe, program, assess and optimize communication protocols and interfaces at different network architecture layers .
  C31 CE31/TEL5 The ability to follow the technological progress of transmission, switching and processing to improve computer networks and services.
  C32 CE32/TEL6 The ability to design networks and service architectures.
  C33 CE33/TEL7 The ability to program network and distributed applications and services.
  C34 CE34/SI1The ability to construct, exploit and manage telecommunication services and applications, such as receiving, digital and analogical treatment, codification, transporting and representation, processing, storage, reproduction, management and presentation of audiovisual and multimedia information services.
  C35 CE35/SI2 The ability to analyze, specify, carry out and maintain systems, equipments, heads and installations of TV, audio and video for mobile and fixed environments.
  C36 CE36/SI3 The capacity to implement projects at places and installations for the production and recording of audio and video signals.
  C37 CE37/SI4 The ability to carry out acoustic engineering projects related to: acoustical isolation and conditioning of rooms, loudspeaker installations, specification, analysis and selection of electro acoustical transducers, measurement, analysis and control of radio vibration systems, environmental acoustics, submarine and acoustical systems.
  C38 CE38/SI5 The ability to create, modify, manage, broadcast and distribute multimedia contents taking into account the use and accessibility criteria to audiovisual, broadcasting and interactive services.
  C39 (CE39/SE1): The ability to construct, exploit and manage the receiving, transporting, representation, processing, storage, manage and presentation multimedia information from the electronic systems point of view.
  C40 (CE40/SE2): The ability to select electronic circuits and devices specialized in transmission, forwarding or routing, and terminals for fixed and mobile environments.
  C41 (CE41/SE3):The ability to make the specification, implementation, documenting and tuning of electronic systems and equipment ( both instrumentation and control oriented), considering the corresponding technical aspects and the regulations.
  C42 (CE42/SE4): The ability to apply electronics as support technology in other fields and activities and not only in information and communication technologies.
  C43 (CE43/SE5): The ability to design analogical and digital electronics circuits of analogical to digital conversion and vice versa, of radiofrequency, of feeding and electrical energy conversion for computing and telecommunication engineering.
  C44 (CE44/SE6): The ability to understand and use feedback theory and electronic control systems.
  C45 (CE45/SE7): The ability to design interface, data capturing and storage devices, and terminals for services and telecommunication systems.
  C46 (CE46/SE8): The ability to specify and use electronic instrumentation and measurement systems.
  C47 (CE47/SE9): The ability to analyze and solve interference and electromagnetic compatibility problems .
  C48 (CE48/T16) The knowledge of the appropriate techniques to develop and exploit signal processing subsystems.
  C49 (CE49/T17) The ability to analyze digital signal processing schemes.
  C50 (CE50/T18)The ability to develop, interpret and debug programs using basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): classes and objects, encapsulation, relations among classes and objects, and inheritance.
  C51 (CE51/T19) The ability of basic application of phases of analysis, design, implementation and debugging of OOP programs.
  C52 (CE52/T20) The ability of manipulation of CASE tools (editors, debuggers).
  C53 (CE53/T21) The ability of developing programs considering to the basic principles of software engineering quality taking into account the main existing sources of norms, standards and specifications.
  C54 (CE54/PY1) The ability to elaborate the proposal of technical projects according to the specified requirements in a public competitive bidding.
  C55 (CE55/PY2) The ability for technical direction of telecommunication project.
  C56 (CE56/PY3) The ability to manage telecommunication project human resources and economic.
  C57 (CE57/PY4) The ability to elaborate technical reports and for the follow up of a telecommunication project.
  C58 (CE58/OP1) The ability to design hardware and software systems based on microcontrollers.
  C59 (CE59/OP2) The ability to use software tools for microcontrollers simulation.
  C60 (CE60/OP3) The ability to design circuits based on optoelectronics devices used in telecommunication systems.
  C61 (CE61/OP4) The ability to acquire, condition and process the information obtained from optoelectronic sensors.
  C62 (CE62/OP5) The ability to design and synthesize complex digital systems by hardware description language.
  C63 (CE63/OP6) The ability to design and use optoelectronic sensors, micromechanical sensors (MEMS) and acoustic wave sensors.
  C64 (CE64/OP7) Comprehension and command of basic concepts of industrial communication networks of field buses.
  C65 (CE65/OP8)Applying conceptual, theoretical and practical tools of telecommunications in the development and applications of radar and remote sensing systems.
  C66 (CE66/OP9) The ability for selection of circuits, subsystems and systems of remote sensing.
  C67 (CE67/OP10) Applying conceptual, theoretical and practical tools of telecommunications in the development and applications of navigation and satellite communications systems.
  C68 (CE68/OP11) The ability for selection of navigation and satellite communications systems and subsystems.
  C69 (CE69/OP12) The ability to implement digital signals processing schemes in programming devices.
  C70 (CE70/OP13) The ability to interact digitally with radio signals.
  C71 (CE71/OP14) The ability to analyze the physical layer in modern digital communications systems.
  C72 (CE72/OP15) The knowledge of biomedical engineering elements and techniques and their application in solving therapy, monitoring and diagnostic problems.
  C73 (CE73/OP16) The ability to construct, exploit and manage artificial vision, medical imaging, and multimedia data base systems.
  C74 (CE74/OP17) The ability to construct, exploit and manage image and synthetic video generation systems and interactive multimedia applications.
  C75 (CE75/OP18) The ability to elaborate noise maps and their geographical information display.
  C76 (CE76/OP19) The ability to apply numerical methods in acoustical problem solving.
  C77 (CE77/OP20) The ability to indentify industrial noise problems and to design appropriate control solutions.
  C78 (CE78/OP21) The ability to write essays on environmental, construction and automation acoustics.
  C79 (CE79/OP22) The ability to elaborate specific acoustic essay procedures.
  C80 (CE80/OP23) The ability to conceptually and technically manage the phases in an audiovisual production.
  C81 (CE81/OP24) The ability to creatively and skillfully use the technical equipment for production development.
  C82 (CE82/OP25) The ability to use specific software applications in audiovisual production.
  C83 (CE83/OP26) The ability to organize an audiovisual production.
  C84 (CE84/OP27) The ability to apply the techniques based on computer, networks and distributed applications and services, in the broadcasting and interchange of audiovisual information.
  C85 (CE85/OP28) The ability to analyze, plan and deploy wireless communication networks for different coverage ranges: metropolitan, local and short range.
  C86 (CE86/OP29) The ability to program computer applications and services based on artificial intelligence.
  C87 (CE87/OP30) The ability to understand the specific requirements for integrated circuits with strict real time restrictions.
  C88 (CE88/OP31) The ability to formulate and solve problems of design and development of integrated systems.
  C89 (CE89/OP32) The ability to design and construct new computer services.
  C90 (CE90/TFG)Original and individual exercise to be defended before an examining board consisting of a project in a specific technology of Telecommunication Engineering and of a professional nature, where the abilities acquired from the teachings are integrated and synthesized.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 CT1 Development of sufficient autonomy to carry out works within the area of Telecommunications in interdisciplinary contexts.
  D2 CT2 Understanding Engineering within a framework of sustainable development.
  D3 CT3 Awareness of the need for long-life training and continuous quality improvement, showing a flexible, open and ethical attitude toward different opinions and situations, particularly on non-discrimination based on sex, race or religion, as well as respect for fundamental rights, accessibility, etc.
  D4 CT4 Encourage cooperative work, and skills like communication, organization, planning and acceptance of responsibility in a multilingual and multidisciplinary work environment, which promotes education for equality, peace and respect for fundamental rights.
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