Guia docente 2014_15
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Data Networks: Technology and Architecture
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Master Session The master lectures follow the usual scheme for this way of teaching; although, in some sessions, we will be able to dedicate 5 or 10 minutes of the class to make a simple examination (some brief questions) that will form part of the continuous evaluation. These short tests intend to motivate our students for a daily work. We impart the competencies A6, A39 and A41 in these master sessions.
Laboratory practises In the labs the students will face several practical sessions -supervised by the professors- where they will settle the concepts learnt in the theoretical classes. In such practices they will use real network equipment (routers and switches) and/or virtualization software that will allow their instruction and training on their own. The practices that the teachers will pose will be designed to be done within the respective face-to-face sessions at the School; although the student that like this need will be able to reproduce them at home using free software that will allow to virtualize the network hardware used in the laboratory. Also, the professors will be able to propose optional exercises that the student will be able to do as homework; and review individually in tutorial time. The students should adquire comnpetencies A39 and A41 in the lab.
Tutored works A project with a fairly large magnitude will be posed to be developed as a teamwork during all the semester. This practical work might require in its earliest stage to be set in context doing an additional theoretical study/research. Both works will be supervised by the professors with periodic meetings every 10/15 days (roughly). And finally, they will select some of the best works for their public exhibition before the other groups of the course. The tutored works are related with competencies A1, A4, A39 and A41.
Presentations / exhibitions Every group must deliver the right documents where the suggested challenge (project teamwork) have to be explained in a detailed way. Also, the students must prepare a public presentation of the team solution to be defended in front of the rest of the class. The students practice competencie A4 in the presentations.
Others A social network designed for educative purposes will be used to promote debates and other online activities that will imply the participation of our students, either collaborative or competitively. Competencies A6 and A39 are exercised.
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