Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Grado en Economía
  Economics: World economy
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Seminars Oral presentation of required reports and group work. Each of the reports will consist of a written text of limited length and a database collecting the values of the variables, the calculations of the selected indicators and their graphic representation.

24 C4
Practices through ICT Written presentation of the reports on the first of the proposed topics that will be evaluated based on content and the database accompanying each report. 0 C3
Discussion Forum Defense of a specific view/position on the proposed topic. Students will use arguments to strengthen their view/position. They will also formulate questions to weaken the opposing position of another group 0 D5
Lecturing Participation in the lectures will count towards the final evaluation (6%). This participation will be instrumented through:
-Questions and oral comments during the session
-Critical reviews on mandatory and voluntary readings

Second, there will be three partial tests. The content of these tests does not get out of the final test. They will be face-to-face tests carried out during a theoretical session (30%).
36 C3
Essay questions exam The written test will consist of any of following elements:
- Determining whether statements are true or false
- Listing the characteristics, differences and / or similarities of economic processes
- Making an economic interpretation of data, graphs or texts.
40 C3
Other comments on the Evaluation

student must obtain 5 or more points, understood as the sum of the scores
obtained in each of the parts of the evaluation, to pass the subject. In any
case, students must obtain a score of at least 3 over 10 on the essay exam to

In the second call, the students will keep their continuous assessment score (except the test: students must do it again). 

Likewise, they will have the chance to improve the results obtained in the
exercises carried out at the Seminars or the Computer Room. They must also take an essay

Alternatively, students may choose to be evaluated with a final test that will involve 100% of the grade.
Likewise, for the last call of the degree, students may choose to be evaluated with a final test that will involve 100% of the grade. 

For choosing the option final test with 100% of the grade, students must send an e-mail to teacher before first Friday of second education month.

 Exam dates must be consulted on the Faculty website (

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000