Guia docente 2010_11
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Máster Universitario en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados: Interpretación Textual e Cultural das Sociedades Anglófonas Contemporáneas
  Técnicas de Investigación Lingüística
Tema Subtema
1 Introdución (Ana Elina Martínez Insua): 3 horas presenciais 1. Métodos de investigación. O método científico. Definición efases
2. Enfoques de investigación lingüística
3. Delimitación do campo de traballo
4. Habilidades cotidianas aplicadas á investigazón
2 Selecting, analysing, synthesizing information in doing (preliminary) research for a project (Eduardo Varela Bravo): 7 horas presenciais 1. First introductory hour on problem-solving methods and on the essential requirements in the design of a project.
2. Four hours’ workshop
3. How to write a first abstract or short description of the personal research project to discuss with each student’s supervisor.
4. Preparing a personal project.
The instructor will supervise the students’ work in this last session and will answer their questions. At the end of the session, the students will upload to their personal groups in Tema a first draft of the different parts of the project as evidence of their class participation and work . The students will be given one month to complete and correct their course assignment.
3 Técnicas de comunicación oral (Marta García de la Puerta): 3 horas presenciais 1. Introduction
• Objectives for the session
• The presenter’s most important tasks
• The three keys to effective persuasion: logos, ethos, pathos

2. Taking control of the material

• Planning
o Getting the target right
o Selecting the right information
o Organising the process
o Creating a performing structure
o Knowing your communication style
• Persuading and influencing: the secrets of success
• Using cards

3. Taking control of yourself

• The importance of non-verbal communication
• Components of NVC
o Kinesics (gestures)
o Paralanguage (vocal behaviour)
o Proxemics (distance)
• Relaxation techniques

4. Taking control of the audience

• Creating empathy: the feeling element of presenting
• Using visual aids
• Closing and handling questions
• Presentation language
4 Emprego de ferramentas dispoñibles nas nosas bibliotecas (Carlos Marqués): 4 horas presenciais Sesión enfocada á familiarización do alumnado coas ferramentas de busca de fontes dispoñibles nas nosas bibliotecas
5 Técnicas de comunicación escrita (Rosa Alonso Alonso): 3 horas presenciais 1.1 Abstract
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Review of the literature
1.4 Statement of purpose
1.5 Method
15.1 Subjects /Corpus
1.5.2 Materials
1.5.3 Procedures
1.5.4 Data Analysis
1.5.5 Results
1.5.6 Discussion
1.6 Conclusion
1.7 References
1.8 Appendix

2. Planning a project
3. Reviewing research
4. English style guide
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