Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grado en Filología Aplicada Gallega y Española

1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V01G430V01101 Modern language: Language (A) German 1 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01102 Modern language: Language (A) French 1 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01103 Modern language: Language (A) English 1 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01104 Modern language: Language (A) Portuguese 1 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01105 Modern language: Language (B) German 1 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01106 Modern language: Language (B) French 1 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01107 Modern language: Language (B) English 1 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01108 Modern language: Language (B) Portuguese 1 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01109 Language: Oral and written Communication in Spanish 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01110 Language: Oral and written Communication in Galician 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01111 History: History 1st
Basic education 6
V01G430V01112 Modern language: Language (A) German 2 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01113 Modern language: Language (A) French 2 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01114 Modern language: Language (A) English 2 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01115 Modern language: Language (A) Portuguese 2 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01116 Modern language: Language (B) German 2 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01117 Modern language: Language (B) French 2 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01118 Modern language: Language (B) English 2 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01119 Modern language: Language (B) Portuguese 2 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01120 Literature: Thinking about literature 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01121 Linguistics: Introduction to language study 2nd
Basic education 6
V01G430V01122 Literature: Galician literature through its texts 2nd
Basic education 6
2nd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V01G430V01201 Galician practical Grammar 1st
Mandatory 9
V01G430V01202 Hispanic literary Fields 1st
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01203 Language (A) German 3 1st
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01204 Language (A) French 3 1st
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01205 Language (A) English 3 1st
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01206 Language (A) Portuguese 3 1st
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01207 Language (B) German 3 1st
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01208 Language (B) French 3 1st
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01209 Language (B) English 3 1st
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01210 Language (B) Portuguese 3 1st
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01211 Language (A) German 4 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01212 Language (A) French 4 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01213 Language (A) English 4 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01214 Language (A) Portuguese 4 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01215 Language (B) German 4 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01216 Language (B) French 4 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01217 Language (B) English 4 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01218 Language (B) Portuguese 4 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01219 Literature and culture of a foreign Language: Lusophone literature and culture 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01220 Literature and culture of a foreign Language: French Literature and Culture 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01221 Literature and culture of a foreign Language: German Literature and Culture 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01222 Language Technologies 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01223 Spanish Language: discourse construction 2nd
Mandatory 9
3rd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V01G430V01301 Spanish Sign Language 1 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01303 Galician and its Social Dialect Variation 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01304 Galician: the sounds of Language 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01305 Medieval Galician Literature: cantigas (lyrics) and prose 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01306 The resurgence of Galician Literature 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01310 Lexicography, semantics and ontology of Spanish 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01311 Orality, texts and contexts in medieval Spain 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01312 Classic tradition and creative modernity 1 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01313 Spanish Grammar: from sentence to speech 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01701 Digital Humanities and Spanish Language Literature 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01703 Galician Literature in new editing formats 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01704 Standard Galician: professional applications in the digital world 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01706 Applied Linguistics Seminar: current challenges in the study of Language and Languages 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01707 Linguistic consulting services and multimodal texts in Spanish 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01302 Spanish Sign Language 2 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01307 Irmandades, Nós and avant-garde in Galician Literature 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01308 The construction of the story in modern times: the Galician narrative 2nd
Optional 9
V01G430V01309 Galician Language: syntactic relations and text construction 2nd
Optional 9
V01G430V01314 Spanish Grammar: from word to meaning 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01315 Spanish phonetics and phonology: speech technologies 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01316 Classic Tradition and creative modernity 2 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01317 The literary canon 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01702 Digital Humanities and Literary Criticism 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01705 Introduction to the Latin Language 2nd
Optional 6
4th Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V01G430V01401 Galician Language: the form of words 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01402 Galician: linguistic politics 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01403 Galician Language over time 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01404 Perspectives and tensions in Galician modern Poetry 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01408 The Spanish in the world: unity, variation and internationalization 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01409 Speech analysis 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01410 Literature and Revolution 1st
Optional 6
V01G430V01411 Latin-American Literature readings: Texts and contexts 1st
Optional 9
V01G430V01405 Galician: the meaning of words 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01406 Thoughts and action: Essays and Theater in contemporary Galicia 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01407 Creative writing in Galician 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01412 History of Spanish and its grammars 2nd
Optional 9
V01G430V01413 Literary modernity 2nd
Optional 6
V01G430V01981 Curricular external Internships 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01G430V01991 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 6
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000