Guia docente 2016_17
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Variación e cambio do primeiro idioma estranxeiro: Inglés
  Descrición Cualificación Resultados de Formación e Aprendizaxe
Resolución de problemas e/ou exercicios participación e implicación do alumnado nas sesións presenciais: atención, comentarios e preguntas ao fío das explicacións e resolución de actividades encomendadas. Os exercicios poden, con ou sen previo aviso, ser puntuados pola profesora. 5 B7
Traballos tutelados o estudante, de maneira individual ou en grupo, elabora un documento sobre a temática da materia ou prepara seminarios, investigacións, memorias, ensaios, resumos de lecturas, conferencias, etc. 25 A3
Resolución de problemas e/ou exercicios de forma autónoma resolución de exercicios, problemas ou pequenos traballos que o alumnado realizará de forma autónoma fóra da aula e que, con ou sen previo aviso, serán puntuados pola profesora. 10 B6
Outras proba final cun compoñente teórico-práctico que incluirá preguntas curtas e longas sobre os contidos teóricos e a súa aplicación práctica. 60 A4
Outros comentarios sobre a Avaliación

The assessment enables students to demonstrate: i) their understanding of the major changes affecting the development of English; ii) their ability to analyse data and present a clear and concise argument. 

The students’ progress will be evaluated on the basis of a final examination (60% of the final grade), which will assess their ability to apply their theoretical knowledge about the linguistic features explained in the lectures and seminars to a number of practical cases from the history of English. Students will be given in advance detailed information regarding the test procedures. The exam will be held during the exam period in May (on the official date determined by the deanery). Students must score at least 40% in the exam to be able to pass the course.

Other coursework will include a written paper (25%) as well as periodical assignments (10% of the final grade), which will be marked by the lecturer. The paper will be due in May 2017 (date to be agreed with students). It must i) begin with a clear thesis and develop it to a clear conclusion, ii) contain at least three sources, iii) be computer-typed. 

The lecturer will also take into consideration class participation, including not only regular attendance but also involvement in discussions and homework assignments (5% of the final grade).

Integrity in academic work is expected of all students at all times in this course. Academic misconduct (including cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person) will not be tolerated and will be penalised with a zero grade in the assignment in question or in the course. 

Those students who cannot attend classes on a regular basis must contact the instructor at the beginning of the course (within the first two weeks). They will be evaluated on the basis of a final exam only during the exam period in May (on the official date determined by the deanery). They are encouraged to attend classes whenever possible and visit the subject web site at faitic regularly. 

Students on extraordinary resits (July) will be evaluated on the basis of a final examination to be held on the date determined by the deanery during the July exam period. 

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000