Educational guide 2023_24
Facultade de Comunicación
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 That the students show having acquired and understanding knowledges in an area of study that splits of the base of the general secondary education and usually is found in a level that, despite its support in advanced books of text, it includes also any aspects that involve pertinent knowledges of the avant-garde of his field of study.
  A2 That the students know how to apply their knowledges to their work or vocation in a professional way and have the abilities that are usually shown through the production and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems inside their area of study.
  A3 That the students have the capacity to collect information and interpret relevant data (usually inside their area of study) to issue judgements which include a reflection on relevant subjects of social, scientific or ethical nature.
  A4 That the students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solution to an audience specialized as much as no specialized.
  A5 That the students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake later studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Interpretative and operative competences of the communication as a reality and as a field of study from the humanistic and technical point of view: theoretical knowledge of the communication.
  B2 Interpretative competence of the communication: ability to analyze the elements of the communication and generate the knowledges in this discipline.
  B3 Interpretative competence of the environment: ability to analyze and interpret the economic, political, socio-cultural, technological and communicative environment.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 Knowledge of the historical evolution of the advertising communication and of the public relations, as well as of the industrial aspects, socio-political and aesthetic that influence on their elements, forms and processes.
  C2 Socio-cultural competences: Knowledge of the socio-psychological processes that affect to the development of the communication in general, the specific of the advertising communication and those related to public relations.
  C3 Knowledge of the structure of the advertising means: characteristics, typologies and problematic.
  C4 Theoretical and practical knowledge of the organizational structures and of the advertising processes and of the public relations.
  C5 Theoretical and practical knowledge of the advertising elements, forms and languages and of the public relations in the local/regional context, both national and international.
  C6 Imaginative competence and knowledge of the creative thought methods and its application in the communication process.
  C7 Knowledge of the ethics and the professional deontology of the advertising and of the public relations as well as of the juridical code which affects to the communicative practices.
  C8 Knowledge of the perspectives and investigation methodologies of the agents, surroundings and involved processes in the communication and, specifically, in the advertising and in the public relations.
  C9 Knowledge of the communication strategies and its creative development, applicable to all type of organizations, as well as of the necessary methodologies to its analysis, audit and evaluation.
  C10 Theoretical and practical knowledge of the techniques of management in communication companies.
  C11 Competence or digital literacy: ability and skill to use the technology and techniques of communication in new formats, interactive means and multimedia.
  C12 Analytical-synthetic dexterity: ability and skill to establish the strategy, planification and own processes of the advertising communication and of the public relations.
  C13 Expressive dexterities: ability and skill to give creative form to the message. Realization of basic advertising pieces and supervision of its definitive production.
  C14 Directive and collaborative dexterities: ability and skill to take on responsibility of the area of communication of an organization, facing the strategic management of their intangibles, the corporate social responsibility and the relations with different publics.
  C15 Ability to the economic and budgetary management within the scope of the advertising activity and of the public relations.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Interpretative competences of the communication: ability to recognize ethical implications in professional decisions.
  D2 Creative competences: ability to the creativity, the innovation and the adaptation to the change.
  D3 Collaborative competences: ability of adaptation to the objectives and organizational values and of teamwork.
  D4 Managerial competences: ability to administer the time, with skill to the organization of tasks.
  D5 Managerial competences: ability to assume the leadership in projects, managing them efficiently and assuming commitments of social responsibility.
  D6 Managerial competences: preparation to assume the risk in the decision taking.
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