Guia docente 2014_15
Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal
Grao en Enxeñaría Forestal
  Forestry Hydrology
   Sources of information

LOPEZ CHAINS, *F. ---“Hydrological restoration-forest of basins and control of erosion”.*Tragsa-*Tragsatec/Mº. Environment/ *Mundi-Press, 948 *pp., 2ª*ed., 1998,

LOPEZ CHAINS, *F. ---The *Ingenieria of the processes *dedesertificación : *Mundi Press 2003. *pags 1045

FLAMES *J. *Hidrologia General. Publishing service of the University of the *Pais Basque. 1993 *pags 635

*DAL-*RE *R ET AL . 2003 Small *embalses of use *agricola. *Mundi Press

*NANIA L. And *GOMEZ M . 2006.*Ingenieria *hidrologica . Publisher *Bellisco . *pags 280

MARTIN *VIDE *J. *P. *IngenieriaFluvial . 2003. *pags 230

MARTIN *VIDE *J. *P. *Ingenieria Of *losrios . 2006

MARTINEZ And. 2001. *Hidraulicafluvial . Publisher *Bellisco . *pags 425. Ministry of Agriculture and Environment *MAGRAMA. 2012 Manual *detecnicas of fluvial restoration . *pags 300

*CHOW,V.*T., D.*R. *MAIDMENT And L.*W. *MAYS: *Applied *Hydrology. *McGRAW-*HILL, 1988 (Spanish Translation:Hydrology applied).

GARCÍA OF JALÓN *LASTRA And OTHERS --- Principles and techniques of management of the fishing in continental waters. *Mundi-Press 1993

El resto de la bibliografía serán artículos que se indicarán a lo largo del curso relacionados con cada tema.

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