Code |
Description |
A1 |
Students will have shown they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of an area of study, starting after completion of general secondary education, and normally reaching a level of proficiency that, being mostly based on advanced textbooks, will also include familiarity with some cutting-edge developments within the relevant field of study. |
A2 |
Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their professional practice or vocation and they will show they have the required expertise through the construction and discussion of arguments and the resolution of problems within the relevant area of study. |
A3 |
Students will be able to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their field of study) that will allow them to have a reflection-based considered opinion on important issues of social, scientific and ethical nature. |
A5 |
Students will acquire the learning skills that are required to pursue further studies with a high degree of independence. |
B5 |
Ability to conceive, develop and maintain computing systems, services and applications through use of software engineering methods as tools to ensure quality, according to the knowledge and training acquired. |
B6 |
Ability to conceive and develop centralized or distributed computing systems and architectures, integrating hardware, software and networks, according to the knowledge and training acquired. |
B9 |
Ability to solve problems by taking the initiative, making decisions and acting independently and creatively. Ability to communicate the knowledge contents, skills and abilities of the Computer Science Engineer profession. |
C14 |
Ability to analyze, design, build and maintain applications in a robust, safe and efficient way, choosing the most appropriate paradigm and programming languages. |
C15 |
Ability to know, understand and assess the structure and architecture of computers, as well as their basic components. |
C16 |
Knowledge of the characteristics, functions and structure of Operating Systems and design and implementation of applications based on their services. |
C17 |
Knowledge and application of the characteristics, functions and structure of Distributed Systems, Computer Networks and the Internet and design and implementation of applications based on them. |
C20 |
Knowledge and application of the fundamental principles and basic techniques of parallel, concurrent, distributed and real-time programming. |
C28 |
Ability to identify and analyze problems and design, develop, implement, verify and document software solutions on the basis of sound knowledge of the theories, models and techniques available nowadays. |
D4 |
Analysis, synthesis and evaluation capacity |
D5 |
Organizational and planning skills |
D6 |
Ability to abstract: ability to create and use models that reflect real situations |
D7 |
Ability to search, relate and structure information from various sources and to integrate ideas and knowledge. |
D8 |
Ability to work in situations of lack of information and / or under pressure |
D10 |
Interpersonal relationship skills. |
D11 |
Critical thinking |
D14 |
Have motivation for quality and continuous improvement |