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Organization chart Management Team Director: Arno Formella
Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez
Rosalía Laza Fidalgo
Eva Lorenzo Iglesias
María Encarnación González Rufino
Within the management team, the secretary of the school, María Encarnación González Rufino, is the Equality Liaison Officer, and is responsible for the dynamisation and implementation of equality policies. This person is the liaison with the Equality Unit of the University of Vigo to contribute to the application and monitoring of the measures proposed in the I Plan for Equality between women and men of the University of Vigo, with a view to achieving a more balanced participation of women and men in our University. In addition to the management team, there are several professors in charge of coordinating the degree courses: Coordinator of the Degree in Computer Engineering:Eva Lorenzo Iglesias Email: eva(at)uvigo.es Phone: +34 988 387 019 Coordinator of the Degree in Artificial Intelligence:Lourdes Borrajo Diz Email: lborrajo(at)uvigo.es Phone: +34 988 387 028 Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Computer Engineering:Alma Gómez Rodríguez Email: alma(at)uvigo.es Phone: +34 988 387 008 Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence:Analia María García Lourenço
Universidade de Vigo | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000 |