EVALUATION CRITERIA Students will submit the form to the teacher in the first month of class, specifying the type of assistance chosen. The final evaluation criteria for the subject will take into account the complete set of aspects included in the different sections of this Teaching Guide, directly linked to monitoring the student's learning pace, taking as a starting point the systematic daily observation of the teacher from the first day of classes. classes A) Specific evaluation criteria for student attendance. Students who attend will have a minimum attendance of 80% in the master sessions and 80% in the seminars. The scores that can be achieved in the sections will be: 1.- Test type test (up to a maximum of 5 points) and min. of 2.5. With a score less than 2.5, the positive score in the topic would not be achieved. 2.- Seminars Medium groups (max. 1 point), attendance and participation. 3.- Tutored assignments: presentation-delivery of the assignments and one (max. 3 points) 4.- Others: for the exhibition / Debate (1 point). B) Specific evaluation criteria for NON-ATTENDING students They should contact the teacher as soon as possible, but at least during the first month of school. The scores they can achieve will be the following: 1.- Test type test (max. 5 points) 2.- Tutored work (max. 4 points) 3.- Defense tutored work (1) C) Second call Students who do not achieve positive results in any of the parts of the evaluation of this subject will be able to recover in the July session. The parts of the subject passed in the 1st opportunity will not be subject to evaluation in the 2nd opportunity, and will therefore be considered as passed in that academic year. D) The qualification system will be expressed numerically, in accordance with the provisions of article 5 of RD 1125/2003 of September 5 (BOE of the 18), which establishes the European credit system and the qualification system in official university degrees. The official exam dates can be consulted on the faculty's website in the 'exam dates' space. --- a. In coherence with the inclusive nature that characterizes the Faculty of Education and Social Work, this guide may be adapted to meet the specific educational support needs presented by students enrolled in the PIUNE (PAT) program. b. For the subjects that are part of the bridge course, a specific reference should be included to take into consideration the specificity and professional experience of this group: “In order to promote the reconciliation of work life and academic training, the contents, planning, methodological resources and evaluation system will be adapted to the students of the bridge course, guaranteeing, in any case, the achievement of the competencies and learning results established in this document. A specific folder will be opened on the Moovi platform in which information will be provided on the tasks and evaluation tests that will guide the development of this subject for the students of the bridge course or practicing professionals. |