Educational guide 2023_24
Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
Grado en Educación Social

Study programme guide Study programme guide
1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O05G130V01101 Philosophy: Social Philosophy 1st
Basic education 6
O05G130V01102 Psychology: Developmental psychology 1st
Basic education 6
O05G130V01103 Education: Theories and educational institutions 1st
Basic education 6
O05G130V01104 Socio-educational research methodology 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01105 Technological resources in social education 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01201 Anthropology: Social and cultural anthropology 2nd
Basic education 6
O05G130V01202 Education: Teaching: Design and programming in the socio- educational field 2nd
Basic education 6
O05G130V01203 Education: Continuing Education 2nd
Basic education 6
O05G130V01204 Education: History of social education 2nd
Basic education 6
O05G130V01205 Education: Social pedagogy 2nd
Basic education 6
2nd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O05G130V01301 Psychology: Social psychology 1st
Basic education 6
O05G130V01302 Sociology: Sociology of education 1st
Basic education 6
O05G130V01303 Diagnosis and analysis of socio-educational needs 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01304 Social education in the educational system 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01305 Gender and social education 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01401 Adult Education 2nd
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01402 Education for leisure and free time 2nd
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01403 Learning strategies in socio-educational contexts 2nd
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01404 Social Skills in social education 2nd
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01405 Socio-educational intervention for social inclusion 2nd
Mandatory 6
3rd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O05G130V01501 Socio-educational intervention in childhood and adolescence in social risk situations 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01502 Mediation in situations of conflict and violence 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01503 Socio-cultural Animation Programs 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01901 Evaluation of socio-educational programs 1st
Optional 6
O05G130V01902 Intervention in health and social education 1st
Optional 6
O05G130V01903 Action-research in socio-educational practice 1st
Optional 6
O05G130V01904 Consumption and cultural identity sociology 1st
Optional 6
O05G130V01601 Introduction to professional practice 2nd
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01602 Internships: Practicum I 2nd
Mandatory 12
O05G130V01905 Group dynamics and community psychosocial intervention 2nd
Optional 6
O05G130V01906 Environmental education for sustainable development 2nd
Optional 6
O05G130V01907 Inter-cultural education & education for peace 2nd
Optional 6
O05G130V01908 Gerontology and Social education 2nd
Optional 6
4th Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O05G130V01701 Sociolabor education and animation 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01702 Socio-educational intervention in addictive behaviour 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01703 Socio-educational intervention in the family environment 1st
Mandatory 6
O05G130V01909 Disability and social education 1st
Optional 6
O05G130V01910 Social education in social services 1st
Optional 6
O05G130V01911 Elderly social education programs 1st
Optional 6
O05G130V01912 Sexuality and health 1st
Optional 6
O05G130V01801 Internships: Practicum II 2nd
Mandatory 18
O05G130V01991 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 12
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000