Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social
Grado en Educación Primaria
  Foreign language: French
   Contingency plan
In view of the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the health alert caused by COVID-19, the University establishes an extraordinary planning that will be activated at the moment when the administration and the institution itself determine it, taking into account safety, health and responsibility criteria, and guaranteeing teaching in a non-presential or not totally face-to-face scenario. These already planned measures guarantee, at the time that it is mandatory, the development of teaching in a more agile and effective way by being known in advance (or well in advance) by students and faculty through the standardized and institutionalized tool of DOCNET teaching guides.


Teaching methodologies that remain the same:
The teaching methodologies will be the same in all three scenarios, given that they were designed to facilitate a smooth transfer from a 100% face-to-face scenario to a 100% remote one. In any case, the only difference is in the space where the activity will take place. Within the possible blended or blended learning scenario, the methodologies would be carried out in a blended and virtual mode. On the other hand, in the distance learning scenario, the foreseen methodologies would be adapted to a virtual modality.

Teaching methodologies that are modified:
The dynamics of any teaching methodology is not modified, except, as stated in the previous section, its execution modality, face-to-face and virtual (in the case of a blended scenario); and exclusively virtual (in the case of a distance scenario).

Non-face-to-face mechanism of attention to students (tutorials):
In the potential blended teaching scenario, tutoring sessions may be carried out face-to-face and/or in the virtual office, under the modality of prior arrangement and in the schedule to be established. In the case of a distance teaching scenario, tutoring will be carried out only by the aforementioned telematic means.

Modifications (if applicable) of the contents to be taught:
There are no modifications in the contents to be taught.

Additional bibliography to facilitate self-learning:
Additional bibliography will be provided throughout the development of the subject.

Other modifications:
Tools for virtual teaching. In the blended learning scenario, in addition to classroom teaching, the virtual teaching activity will be taught through Campus Integra and the use of the teledocency platform Moovi will be foreseen as a reinforcement, without prejudice to other measures that may be adopted to guarantee the accessibility of the students to the teaching contents. In the distance teaching scenario, the teaching activity will be carried out exclusively in virtual mode.


There are no changes neither in the instruments nor in the evaluation criteria established in the common teaching guide.

Pending tests that are maintained:
All the tests proposed in the teaching guide for the next calls are maintained in any of the three teaching modalities foreseen: face-to-face, blended and distance learning. The evaluation criteria, as well as their weighting on the final grade, are maintained for both attending and non-attending students. The procedures or types of evaluation tests are not modified in their content either, but in the way they are carried out, in the case of the two potential extraordinary teaching scenarios foreseen. Thus, in the case of a blended or blended learning situation, the evaluation tests may be organized face-to-face, depending on the facilities and means available. If it is not possible to do them face-to-face, the face-to-face modality would be combined with the virtual modality or they would be carried out exclusively virtually. If the situation is one of distance learning, all the evaluation tests will be carried out virtually.

Tests that are modified
There are no modifications in the evaluation tests, except for the one referring to the evaluation modality: face-to-face or virtual, depending on the healthcare scenario in which the teaching is carried out.

New tests:
No new evaluation tests are foreseen.

Additional information
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000