1.1. Sources for the study of the Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula.
1.2. Previous situation: the pre-Roman peoples and the colonising peoples
2. Roman Hispania: The Republic and the Iberian Peninsula
2.1. The Roman Republic.
2.2. Origin and expansion of Rome in the Iberian Peninsula.
2.3. Roman interests in the Iberian Peninsula.
2.4. Transformations in the Iberian Peninsula.
3. Roman Hispania: The Empire and the Iberian Peninsula.
3.1. The End of the Conquest
3.2. The High Empire
3.3. The Lower Empire
3.4. The consequences of Romanisation.
Universidade de Vigo
Reitoría |
Campus Universitario |
C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) |
España |
Tlf: +34 986 812 000