Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Historia
Grao en Xeografía e Historia
  Fundaments of human geography
  Description Qualification
Classroom work Final proof about the contents procedimentals of the matter. It will value :
- The operative knowledges purchased in the practical sessions of the classroom
- The interpretation and graphic representation of the information
Seminars From the preparation of a put to the day or bibliographic reviewing on subjects and texts related with the appearances of the *temario more notable of the actuality, will expose and will debate the works that will be grouped by thematic affine. It will value :
- theoretical Frame
- Structure and articulation of the work
- The reflection and critical thought on the contents
- Quality of exhibition and formal presentation
Long answer tests and development Examination or final proof written in which it will have to reach the qualification of 5 to be able to do the global computation of all the activities. It will value :
- The theoretical knowledges of the matter
- The structuring of ideas
- Precision and clarity expositive
Troubleshooting and / or exercises It will value the suitable realisation in group of proofs and exercises proposed related with the matter 10
Other comments on the Evaluation

The students that receive to the modality *semipresencial will be able to follow the matter through the Virtual Course in the platform of *teledocencia *Moodle, of the University of Vigo, that will allow the access to the precise materials for the acquisition of the competitions and the achievement of the results of learning, so much in his theoretical contents like practical. They will specify the educational methodologies, the activities of evaluation together with the calendar of delivery (face-to-face or remote) that will remain clearly established. The activities that require *presencialidad will be substituted by others that allow can access to the same percentage of the note. The follow-up *individualizado of the participation of the student through the TIC will be done through the own tools of the platform (participation, statistics of access, realisation of proofs and exercises on line, etc…). The student will have to fulfil the minimum requirements of *presencialidad, assisting to the *tutorías, that will be fixed in a compatible schedule with his activity, to resolve the doubts arisen in the *transcurso of the continuous evaluation. Likewise, it will have to attend to the proofs that the educational/*s have like indispensable.
All the students enrolled in the matter have right to realise the final examinations (Article 12 of the regulation of Students of the University of Vigo). Those students that can not receive to the continuous evaluation, will be evaluated of the contents of the program of the matter by means of a proof written that will suppose 70% of the final note, and a compulsory work that will represent 30% of this.

The same requests that govern for the ordinary announcements will do it for the one of July and other announcements

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