Guia docente 2024_25
Instituto de Educación Superior Intercontinental de la Empresa (IESIDE)
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Liderado e habilidades da comunicación
   Bibliografía. Fontes de información
Bibliografía Básica Hofstede, G et al;, Cultures and organizations: The software of the mind, McGraw Hill, 2010
Bibliografía Complementaria Alvarez, G, La comunicación como reflejo cultural: elementos no verbales, Mergablum, 2003
Trompenaars, F., Riding the waves of culture, The Economist, 1993
Jamardo, B., Body language in intercultural negotiations, Licolm Europe, 2006
Earley, P. et al.,, Developing cultural intelligence at work, Stanford Business books, 2006
Livermore, D., The cultural intelligence difference, Amazon books, 2011
Samovar, al.,, Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 14th ed, Wadsworht, 2014
Llamazares, O., Protocolo empresarial internacional, Global Marketing Strategies, 2013
Gesteland, R, Cross-cultural business behaviour, CBS PRESS, 2002
Mole, J., Mind your manners: Managing business culture in the New Global Europe, Nicholas Brealey, 2003
Livermore, D., Leading with cultural intelligence, Amazon books, 2010
Dumetz, J. et al.,, Cross-cultural management textbook, Dumetz. Eds, 2012
Dowling, al.,, International Human Resources Management, South Western Cencage, 2009,, (country attitudes worldwide), (cultural values worldwide), (multicultural resources. On line quizzes.Free country guides),
Jamardo,B., Lideranca intercultural: O grande desafio da globalizaciao, 20 Valores nº.1. Angola, 2011,
Simond, F, Como negociar en inglés, Global Marketing Strategies, 2010,
Molinsky, A, Global Dexterity: How to adapt your behaviour across cultures, HBS Publishing, 2013
Livermore, D, Driven by difference: How Great Companies Fuel Innovation through Diversity, Amazom Books, 2016
Xiandong, D, & Guo-Ming, Ch., Conflict management and intercultural communication: The art of intercultural harmony, Routledge, 2017
Meyer, Erin, The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business, Public Affairs, 2016
Hastings, Reed & Meyer, Erin, No rules rules: Netflix and the culture reinvention, Penguin Press, 2020
Gladwell, Malcolm, Outliers: The Story of Success, Penguin Books, 2009

Brett,j & Mitchell, T, How to build trust in business, Harvard Business Review January31, 2020
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