Guia docente 2024_25
Instituto de Educación Superior Intercontinental da Empresa (IESIDE)
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas
  Strategic management
Topic Sub-topic
1 - Basic concepts of Strategic Management - Concept of Strategy
- Strategic Management. Decisions.
- Levels of Strategy: corporate, business and functional
- The process of Strategy: phases (analysis, formulation and implementation)

2 - Business mission and objectives - Strategy Statements: Mission, Vision and strategic Objectives
- Value creation and Stakeholders
3 - Analysis of the general environment - Introduction
- The PESTEL framework. Key drivers for change
- The environment’s strategic profile
4 - Analysis of the specific environment - Competitive environment definition: industry, business and market
- The Five Forces framework: Industry’s level of attractiveness
- Competitors: Strategic groups and Segments
5 - Internal analysis of the company - The Strategic Drift
- Strategic Capabilities: resources and competences
- The Value Chain
- The SWOT analysis
6 - Strategic and competitive advantages - Introduction
- Cost Leadership and differentiation advantages
- The Strategy Clock
- Strategies based on an industry’s maturity state
7 - Corporate strategies. Design and implementation. - Directions for Strategic Development: expansion and diversification
- Portfolio or BCG Matrix
- Methods of Development: internal vs. external
8 - Strategy implementation and control - The Strategy Evaluation and Selection Process
- General Summary
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