Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Química
Grado en Química
  Chemical engineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Collaborative Learning Resolution of exercises in small groups 5 B4
Autonomous problem solving The students will have to deliver, in the terms indicated, the problems and activities proposed of each subject. 15 B4
Case studies It will propose a global problem that cover the greater part of the contents of the subject 10 A1
Objective questions exam It will make a long proof of all the matter of the subject. 40 A1
Problem and/or exercise solving They will make two short proofs, one of the subjects 1 and 2 and another of the subjects 3 and 4. 30 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

There will be two short written tests throughout the quarter that do not eliminate matter. At the date set by the centre, the entire subject matter will be evaluated and a minimum of 3 out of 10 points must be reached to take account of the other evaluation elements. If the minimum grade is not reached, the final test note is the grade of the subject. 

The different activities carried out in the classroom and autonomously by the students together account for 30% of the final grade. To overcome the subject it is essential to have a minimum score of 3.5 out of 10 points in these sections (collaborative learning, problem solving autonomously, case studies).

The participation of the student in some of the evaluation tests, the delivery of 20% or more of the work ordered by the teacher, implies the condition of "presented" and the assignment of a grade. 

Second chance. There will be a long test of all the material that will make up 70% of the grade. The grades corresponding to the activities carried out in the classroom and autonomously obtained, by the students, throughout the course
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